Not me, but my sister has 5 baby opossums to care for until someone can pick them up in the morning and take them to a wildlife center. She hears a ruckus outback and her dog had the mom, but dropped it and babies scattered. Mom appeared dead and she brought the dog in, went back out and mom was gone but babies were under a bush. She kept checking and mom hadn’t come back after an hour of the babies hissing (I’m guessing calling for her?). She will keep checking and listening for the clicking of mom, but what does she do for these babies until mom or help arrives? Their eyes are not open and they don’t have much past peach fuzz. She has them in a box with warm blankets from the dryer. She has tried multiple rehabilitation places from the county and none have answered but the non emergency police said they will send someone in the morning to get them and take them to a wildlife center.