Help! Baby opossums what to do until rehabber can get them?


Free Ranging
Premium Feather Member
Jul 8, 2022
Not me, but my sister has 5 baby opossums to care for until someone can pick them up in the morning and take them to a wildlife center. She hears a ruckus outback and her dog had the mom, but dropped it and babies scattered. Mom appeared dead and she brought the dog in, went back out and mom was gone but babies were under a bush. She kept checking and mom hadn’t come back after an hour of the babies hissing (I’m guessing calling for her?). She will keep checking and listening for the clicking of mom, but what does she do for these babies until mom or help arrives? Their eyes are not open and they don’t have much past peach fuzz. She has them in a box with warm blankets from the dryer. She has tried multiple rehabilitation places from the county and none have answered but the non emergency police said they will send someone in the morning to get them and take them to a wildlife center.
Wish I could help. Folks around here wouldn't hesitate to dispatch the momma and the babies. Can't say I blame them.
Oh really? Are they considered pests somewhat in some areas? I know some people like them bc they eat bugs and other pests supposedly, but I don’t know much a not them. We don’t have them in Wyoming, but she lives in Texas where they’re common.
They will eat your chicken eggs and potentially your chickens. They are pests IMO. Right up there with trash pandas and armadillos.
Ah yes I’ve heard that. I know a lot of people would have no problem dispatching, but she doesn’t have chickens so I don’t think she’s really looking at it that way. I think with her dog being the reason the mom dropped them, she feels the responsibility for the turn their lives took, so only fair to at least try to correct it.

Again from Wyoming - what do armadillos do that make them a pest?
Ah yes I’ve heard that. I know a lot of people would have no problem dispatching, but she doesn’t have chickens so I don’t think she’s really looking at it that way. I think with her dog being the reason the mom dropped them, she feels the responsibility for the turn their lives took, so only fair to at least try to correct it.

Again from Wyoming - what do armadillos do that make them a pest?

They dig holes tearing up your yard or garden and they can carry leprosy and other diseases. Folks around here just like shooting things and if you can't eat it then you find other reasons to shoot it. Bobcat eat baby deer and your livestock, Coyote do the same and are just overpopulated, possums/raccoons/armadillo are just nasty pests and get in to things, squirrels are just fun to shoot and there are even tournaments but some folks actually eat them. Foxes are generally safe but that's only because they are cute and cool but if one is getting after your chickens then it's gotta go.

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