HELP! Birds are loosing feathers, potentially pecking/cannibalism.

barracks/jail/brooder is up and running. Hen in question is currently a prisoner 001. Not goin to lie I feel a little bad jailing her not knowing for sure if shes the culprit. But she’s definitely the only girl with pristine feathers.


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barracks/jail/brooder is up and running. Hen in question is currently a prisoner 001. Not goin to lie I feel a little bad jailing her not knowing for sure if shes the culprit. But she’s definitely the only girl with pristine feathers.
Your setup looks good! Usually it is the bird with perfect feathers doing the picking so you've likely got the right bird
Approximately two weeks ago we started noticing some of our 11 hens were beginning to show feather loss just above their tail and up their back between their wings. Typical to what you would think a rooster would be doing. We have 11 hens and no roosters.

As far as the all flock 20% feed. The calcium levels are substantially lower? Will that impact anything? I will for sure have oyster shells out but just double checking.
How many hens are affected, you mention "some".
Photos of all of the affected hens?

I'd re-check for mites, go out at night with a flashlight, examine the birds and run a paper towel along the roosting bars, see if you get an bugs or red smears on the towel.

Do you see any of your hens digging at their own feathers or preening excessively?

The bare back, could be from mounting, sometimes another hen will do this. The back feathers are also muddy/dirt, has the hen been rolling in mud or could the mud be from another hen's feet due to mounting.

Do monitor the skin underneath the saddle to make sure it's healing since she has abrasions.

Loss around the vent is usually from plucking/picking. Take a closer look and make sure there's no wounds there that need to be addressed.

Sometimes changing feed *may* help solve some problems, but it's not a cure all. Observe your flock interactions.

IF the Marans is the only one that's picking/plucking/mounting and you do not have a Parasite issue, put some Pinless Peepers on her to resolve the picking problem instead of jailing her.


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