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- #11
She seems to be doing better. I'm new at this, but I think I was able to get the stuff in the crop moving - bump went down and she is more active. She still likes to lean up against the side of the brooder and trys to sleep standing with her head down. Eating and drinking normally. I added starter grit to their food yesterday and the silly chicks thought it was a treat. It was cute watching them look at this new item and then work up the courage to try it - then as soon as one did the rest of them joined right in.
This is what I don't get - her neck is not straight, crooks to the left - like a human back with scoliosis (sp?). Crop seems to be emptying (not as large and isn't hard like it was, feels a bit grainy) is it possible that her crop issue actally caused a deformity in her developing neck? I believe that she suffered with the crop issue before I bought her. She is a few days older than the rest of the chicks I bought and seems to be a fighter. I can't feel any tumors or other issues and if she 'broke' her neck I would suspect it would have killed her. She walks, jumps, 'flies' like the rest of them, eats and drinks normally, chirps and seems active at times. She does tire easily, takes a nap, and then is back to normal. No missing feathers, no discharge or sneezing, eyes are clear, no scratching, seems to be growing. Other than the neck being in a different position I would think that she was a normal chick. I also find it interesting that the other chicks seem to mother her - they will cuddle with her when she sleeps. They don't pick on her at all and she doesn't pick on them. I would think that if she were really ill that they other chicks would have picked up on it an started picking on her - and they haven't. I'm wondering if this is just her 'normal'.
Anyone see this or know what it might be? I wish I could post a picture - hopefully, I'll reach that magic number of posts that will allow me to post pictures soon.
This is what I don't get - her neck is not straight, crooks to the left - like a human back with scoliosis (sp?). Crop seems to be emptying (not as large and isn't hard like it was, feels a bit grainy) is it possible that her crop issue actally caused a deformity in her developing neck? I believe that she suffered with the crop issue before I bought her. She is a few days older than the rest of the chicks I bought and seems to be a fighter. I can't feel any tumors or other issues and if she 'broke' her neck I would suspect it would have killed her. She walks, jumps, 'flies' like the rest of them, eats and drinks normally, chirps and seems active at times. She does tire easily, takes a nap, and then is back to normal. No missing feathers, no discharge or sneezing, eyes are clear, no scratching, seems to be growing. Other than the neck being in a different position I would think that she was a normal chick. I also find it interesting that the other chicks seem to mother her - they will cuddle with her when she sleeps. They don't pick on her at all and she doesn't pick on them. I would think that if she were really ill that they other chicks would have picked up on it an started picking on her - and they haven't. I'm wondering if this is just her 'normal'.
Anyone see this or know what it might be? I wish I could post a picture - hopefully, I'll reach that magic number of posts that will allow me to post pictures soon.