Help Chicken's crop is large and hard!

Jul 13, 2018
Southern California
Hello, my barred rock hen's crop is very large and hard. I felt it, and it seemed to be almost the size of a baseball and very hard. She was also moving her neck up and down as if she was a rooster and was about to crow, or if she was choking or throwing up. Other than that, she seems fine. She's acting fine. If you know any way to make her empty her crop and digest her food, I would be very grateful. Thanks in advance.
Okay thanks for the advice. I will do that. I also gave her some grape seed oil for her to digest her food.
That is good! Just make sure that if it is not down in the morning to take her and give her some oil and massage her crop at the same time. Massaging her crop with oil usually helps. Please do update us after you have seen her
That is good! Just make sure that if it is not down in the morning to take her and give her some oil and massage her crop at the same time. Massaging her crop with oil usually helps. Please do update us after you have seen her

Thanks for helping. I took them out today, and her crop was much smaller! :) So, I think she's fine now.
Sometimes they will just overeat. Especially if their feed has run out or they have found something they really like. Sounds like she has no problem.

I think this is the case. A few days ago, I bought a flock block. A giant block composed of chicken food and seeds. They loved it and would not stop pecking at it. Also, they may have scratched at the ground when I gave them some greens. it rained that day and the alfalfa must have been wet. It probably got a little stuck in her crop. But, she managed to digest it. Thanks for helping! :)

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