Many of my chickens look pretty haggared right now and it's the middle of summer, not when we ordinarily expect molting to occur. Molting presents some unique issues for backyard chicken keepers to contend with and I've written about how to recognize it as well as how you can help your peeps get through it more easily here:
Poor Phoebe needs a sweater!
Feather re-growth during a molt; these are called pin feathers and they have a vein in them that will bleed if cut or injured. It is painful to the chicken to be handled while regrowing feathers.
Agnes, an Australorp of mine, embarassing, but not quite as bad as Phoebe.
Oprah, a Buff Orpington, molting.
Poor Phoebe needs a sweater!
Feather re-growth during a molt; these are called pin feathers and they have a vein in them that will bleed if cut or injured. It is painful to the chicken to be handled while regrowing feathers.
Agnes, an Australorp of mine, embarassing, but not quite as bad as Phoebe.
Oprah, a Buff Orpington, molting.