Help! Chicken's toe swollen from fighting?


🎶Can’t tell if this is Hell, or just high water🎶
Jan 5, 2023
My Coop
My Coop
Hello, recently got a new rooster and put him in with his ladies he grew up with next to another run with another roo in it. I didnt think it would be a problem, since there is a fence between them, but they constantly fought, and jumped at the chicken wire fence. My new roo jumped at it so much that he developed gashes on his toes, and they became open wounds. As soon as we noticed we took him in and cleaned it up, bathing his feet in epsom salt, and spraying Vetericin for any infection. We also draped a trampoline bottom over the fence so they cant see or fight each other anymore. But in the last few days his toe swelled up to the size of a quarter all around, and he is limping. I gave him a bath with muscle relaxer and painkillers in it. He seems a bit better but the swelling has only just went down a bit. What should i do to ease the swelling? I cant lose this rooster. Please help!
Can you post any pictures of the injury? In addition to the treatment, I would use plain Neosporin on the toe. You may want to restrict his activity by placing him in a wire dog crate with food and water.
Can you post any pictures of the injury? In addition to the treatment, I would use plain Neosporin on the toe. You may want to restrict his activity by placing him in a wire dog crate with food and water.
he doesnt try to move, only goes to the food and water, and lays there. I cant post pictures, im sorry.
Sorry to hear about your bird! When mine had pecked combs, I sprayed them with hydrogen peroxide to clean, then sprayed with collodial sliver. It's really good for infections. Then I coated them in honey. Because it's on the foot, I'd probably bandage it. Hope he gets better!

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