Help! Flock attack!

Raccoons are very determined and freakishly strong for their size. They'll often work in groups, too.
Funny you should say that. We immediately thought it had to be a group for the damage that was done. They managed to eat one of them through the 1" wire....all I found was the wing and some entrails...not much..With our chickens, we've never had a raccoon problem. Weasels and hawks only. I'm still amazed at the determination of the grabby little suckers!
The closest I had to that injury was a guinea hen that either broke a leg or got a severe sprain. She was immobile for 3 days, then figured out she could get around by hopping on the good foot and using the opposite wing to steady herself and push along. She even figured out how to roost with only one good leg, but I'm not kidding myself: if anything made a go for her she'd have been dead meat.

She ended up walking again about six weeks later, and a month after that I couldn't tell which one of the 3 young hens had been the limper.
Pretty resilient birds, for sure. I'm actually surprised losing an entire leg didn't do her in through loss of blood. Pretty impressive.
Pretty resilient birds, for sure. I'm actually surprised losing an entire leg didn't do her in through loss of blood. Pretty impressive.
Both guineas and chickens can be extremely tough, other times I've had them die from what looked like minor injuries.
Please help! We had an early morning attack on our keets. We believe it was more raccoon(s). They are enclosed completely, but we have 3 low windows which are covered with 1"chicken wire.

Anyway, I didn't replace the glass windows last night as it was 90° overnight. At 5:30 this a.m. we found one had actually been pulled through the chicken wire and beheaded (body too big to pull through chicken wire), one completely had been pulled through although I can't see how it was physically possible as all we found was a wing and some entrails and a 3rd and 4th were/are missing a leg.

One of the fowl that lost a leg has already died. The other one is resting but seems healthy otherwise. Her/his friends are trying to care for it by bringing greens to it.

BIG QUESTION is...can she survive without intervention? I don't see that (s)he is bleeding any longer and I don't want to stress it out.
UPDATE: Unfortunately, our girl/boy didn't make it. She put up a great fight. She drank and ate then died within a few hours of that.

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