Help! Found a poor chicken that fell off a poultry truck

Have you given her electrolytes or sugar water for shock? If you don't have electrolytes you can mix some up. Just put 1 tsp sugar and a pinch each of table salt and baking soda in a cup of warm water. Use a measuring spoon and measuring cup. Stir till all is dissolved. Put some in a small cup and gently dip her beak in but don't get it in her nostrils. If she won't drink any, you can put a drop on your finger and put it in the crease of her beak, again being careful not to get any in her nostrils. A dehydrated chicken can't eat so try to get her drinking.
Have you given her electrolytes or sugar water for shock? If you don't have electrolytes you can mix some up. Just put 1 tsp sugar and a pinch each of table salt and baking soda in a cup of warm water. Use a measuring spoon and measuring cup. Stir till all is dissolved. Put some in a small cup and gently dip her beak in but don't get it in her nostrils. If she won't drink any, you can put a drop on your finger and put it in the crease of her beak, again being careful not to get any in her nostrils. A dehydrated chicken can't eat so try to get her drinking.
Yes I got her electrolytes and she did drink maybe about half a tablespoon and then i gave her some regular water and she had about 2 teaspoons
I was driving and found poor chicken on the side of the road on some grass. It looks like she’s wounded but it’s not infected. I have chickens of my own and want to take her home. I know I’ll have to keep her separated from the flock for a while but any other tips. Do you guys think she’ll make it?
I actually followed a post a few weeks ago on Facebook about this exact thing.

You'll want to be very careful how you feed her, she’s been genetically engineered to be too heavy to walk by 8 weeks. I believe these meat chickens are Cornish cross and their lives are not great in the chicken industry. I read several folks saying that they can have a decent life as long as she doesn’t get too heavy for her own legs.

As I told the woman who rescued that one, it at least deserves a chance, it escaped and is owed that. Let her enjoy some outside time, good foods and lots of loves! Any additional days are more than she was destined for.

Chicken distribution system has chosen you!

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