HELP! Goat got into Chicken Grower/finisher and possibly in labor OR Bloat?

I can't help but wonder with her relatively high milk production of she is not as pure bred as you thought. Her height just barely fits ADGA standards, and she would be considered too tall for the nigi assoc.

I've never had a problem with the nibbling behavior. One of my favorite does gives me "kisses" lol. Goats are like babies, everything goes into the mouth to test it out.
The Nigerian association says Does can't be any taller than 22.5 inches, and she's just below 22 inches, give or take a bit. I just sort've used a string and eyeballed it. I'll remeasure precisely... 1 foot 7 inches exactly. 19 inches. .... Okay, soo I was a bit off. But even with my overshooting she's still in the correct height range.

She is purebred, and actually is registered. The man I bought her from, while apparently ignorant as to how goats breed, drove about 300 miles to pick up her and her herd, including his bucks. He got into it to breed them, and he did, but, from what I gathered, family life got in the way and he lost interest in it. And since lost the papers. If I tried hard enough I might be able to recover them, but I don't foresee it being worth much in the long run.

Soldier tried to suckle from my toe and I accidentally kicked him. He's not tried again. XD; Poor baby..
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DGA is 22.5, nigi assoc is 19. :)
The extra money for kid sales would be worth getting the papers, but again, you don't really want to be spreading her udder genetics around, at least not as registered stock.
Have you checked her tattoos?
Oooh. So she fits either way, I guess. XD JUST at the mark.


Where would they be?

Also got 5 3/4ths cups of milk from her today, in two milkings. About every four hours is when I milk her during the day. Any tighter and I'm afraid she'll be sore.
By the way, since giving birth Tea is a LOT friendlier. I don't have to tie her up at all to milk her and walking up to her is a breeze. In fact, if I sit down SHE comes to ME in most cases!
Sometimes on dark eared goats, you have to hold a flashlight behind the ear to make them show up better.
Okay, so I looked at her ears. She has some tattoos, but it's hard for me to make out what they say. I think I seen an A, though.

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