Hi all - asking for some help ID’ing whether this bird is a hen or rooster. Bought four birds from the local feed store back at the beginning of July. They’re almost 19 weeks old now. No eggs yet but must be getting close.
Heard some distinct crowing coming from the coop the last couple mornings, hadn’t heard any prior. Started looking more closely at the two barred rock Plymouth’s, and noted some noticeable differences. What are the chances that the larger one with the more pronounced waddle/comb is a rooster?
Any help is appreciated!
Heard some distinct crowing coming from the coop the last couple mornings, hadn’t heard any prior. Started looking more closely at the two barred rock Plymouth’s, and noted some noticeable differences. What are the chances that the larger one with the more pronounced waddle/comb is a rooster?
Any help is appreciated!