Help! How do you prevent eye infections?


Premium Feather Member
9 Years
Jun 15, 2012
Pyeongtaek, South Korea
I have a white Leghorn hen who became blind in one of her eyes about two year ago. Her eye turned to a whitish color, it seemed to cause no pain, and she was fine. Just today, I saw her eye, and it is literally bulging out, it has about a whole in it, and she is incessantly itching the eye against her back. I'm not sure how to seal the infected eye without giving serious pain and irritation. I don't think I could use Hydrogen Peroxide or Blue-Kote on it. Any suggestions? Hope ya'll have a happy Thanksgiving!
I have a white Leghorn hen who became blind in one of her eyes about two year ago. Her eye turned to a whitish color, it seemed to cause no pain, and she was fine. Just today, I saw her eye, and it is literally bulging out, it has about a whole in it, and she is incessantly itching the eye against her back. I'm not sure how to seal the infected eye without giving serious pain and irritation. I don't think I could use Hydrogen Peroxide or Blue-Kote on it. Any suggestions? Hope ya'll have a happy Thanksgiving!
Baytril and Cipro are good antibiotics for the eye.

Do you live in a tropical area where eyeworm could be a problem? Those can cause chickens to scratch the eye very badly. Eye infections can be caused by respiratory diseases, fungal infections, bacterial diseases such as salmonella, and injuries. High ammonia levels in the coop can cause eye ulcers. Here is a good link on eye disorders:
Do you live in a tropical area where eyeworm could be a problem? Those can cause chickens to scratch the eye very badly. Eye infections can be caused by respiratory diseases, fungal infections, bacterial diseases such as salmonella, and injuries. High ammonia levels in the coop can cause eye ulcers. Here is a good link on eye disorders:
I do not live in a tropical area; I live in a temperate climate. It could be from high ammonia levels, I just cleaned out the coop yesterday.

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