Help - I cracked my egg on lock down!

Nothing yet. I cannot detect movement now. These were set at 6am on 1/24 so I think we are a couple days over due. Any suggestions or is it likely dead?
Last year, my hen stepped on and cracked an egg at day 11. I candles and the chick was alive. I put a bandaid on the egg, I removed the bandaid at day 19, and he hatched at day 20 with no problem at all. He was a very healthy chick.
This is the egg (after hatch) you can see that it had a very substantial crack)

Ryder is the light blue chick on the left. He was/is very healthy

I wouldn't do anything at this point but wait. Good luck with your hatch!
You can put a small layer of wax over the crack( not too thick otherwise the chick might have trouble getting through) or you can put some clear nail polish over it but since it hatching tomorrow or the next day chances are it will be fine. I also accidentally cracked one of my eggs in incubation and I put wax over and it was the only one that made it to the end because I had incubator problems
I cracked mine today the day they where supposed to hatch by accident I thought they weren’t in lock down u til 2 more days but I double checked and it was today what should I do the chicks are moving and I can see the beak through the think layer behind the shell
I cracked mine today the day they where supposed to hatch by accident I thought they weren’t in lock down u til 2 more days but I double checked and it was today what should I do the chicks are moving and I can see the beak through the think layer behind the shell
If they are supposed to hatch today, I wouldn’t do anything. It should be externally pipping any time so as long as your crack didn’t cut any big veins, it should be okay. Hope it hatches just fine!

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