Help I Don't Know Whats Happening !!!!!

Wait a second, I wouldn't start treating for Cocci unless you know they have it. Have you seen any blood in their stool?

I think they just had a rough trip, unfortunately that happens sometimes.

When I have a weak chick I do these things:

1) Poly-Vit-Sol (without added iron) baby vitamins: couple of drops, a couple times a day (you can find them at pretty much any pharmacy, drug store, wal-mart, etc)
2) ACV in the water
3) Make a hard boiled egg/plain yogurt/chick starter slurry and then very patiently try to get them to eat as much of it as you can by wiping a tiny dab on the corner of their beak and letting them lick it up.

Good luck!
He died durning the night... but now a silkie, my GL cochin pullet and another RIR packing peanut are doing it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

theres no blood in the poop, and the bedding is plastic on the bottom covered by paper towel and newspaper.. but thats what I used for the other chicks and they didn't die !!!
contact Ideal for your replacements.

only 4 and 2 packing peanuts would have died if the one i mentioned above don't make it...i think it has to be 5+ for them to ship replacments ... but i think the SL cochin pulllet is a male...soo how would they replace that ??
I called and told them about the ones that died....I had to leave a message.....but i asked for replacements though, even thought 5 didn't die...I hope I get replacements
I wouldn't put newspaper on the bottom of the brooder- if it's shredded and they are pecking at that or eating it, the ink can be bad for them and the paper is terrible quality anyway. It's also not very absorbent and if it's just flat newspaper (as opposed to shredded), then the surviving chicks can get some feet problems.

You cited that two of the birds (at least) had full crops; have you tried switching their food? It could be that there's something making them sick in their starter, mold or something. Try switching it to a different bag (from a different store if possible) or try feeding them a mash of 'human' food like someone stated earlier- egg mashed with oatmeal (not instant) or yogurt and force feeding them that instead, to see if there's an improvement.
we received 15 from Ideal on friday that are doing the same exact thing. ideal said they have to reship in quantities of at least 12
so we are getting refunds for now, but any more die we may end up ordering 12 more. we started with two acting droggy and lathargic then passing shortly after, then others started following, even though they were good the day prior. i'm clueless as to what is going on. we have one more doing it now and the other 6 are doing good. i see a re-order happening on Monday.

i found poly vi sol non-iron at Target, wlargreens and CVS didn't have it.

but this isn't helping these guys.. the others seem to enjoy it though

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