Help!!! I think I may have all roosters

x2 It is very difficult when multiple birds are in the same picture, a bit of this, a bit of that, part of a silkie. Very distracting. Please, I wish people would have one bird per picture
Ok the Rhode Island Reds and Golden Laced all look the same. The next to I'm not sure of
I'm sorry but I'm not very good at this.
As old as they are---you can tell maybe all but the silkie easily. Look for the "saddle feathers"----The top pic in the above post #14 Look at the Golden Lace----just before you get to their tail feathers you can see sharp pointy feathers turn and pointing down/backwards---Roosters, now the second pic---see the pointy feathers next to the black tail feathers---kinda yellowish looking----Rooster-----now the chicken in the middle of the top pic---Ameraucana no pointy feathers hanging down----hen/pullet. You see what I am saying.

Just the color of the golden lace says rooster. The saddle feathers is a dead give away plus the comb and wattles at this age.
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As old as they are---you can tell maybe all but the silkie easily. Look for the "saddle feathers"----The top pic in the above post #14 Look at the Golden Lace----just before you get to their tail feathers you can see sharp pointy feathers turn and pointing down/backwards---Roosters, now the second pic---see the pointy feathers next to the black tail feathers---kinda yellowish looking----Rooster-----not the chicken in the middle of the top---Amercauna no pointy feathers kinda hanging down----hen/pullet. You see what I am saying.
Thank you
I see ONE female in the mix. The gold EE is a pullet. All of the rest are cockerels.

Except maybe the Silkie... I didn't see a picture showing all of it.

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