Help ID my chicks!

Yep that would be my novice guess (I have an 11 week old Brahma pullet and cockerel this year).
also at least a couple of yours look like Production Reds (usually sold as Rhode Island Reds at the feed store)
these are my Buff Orpingtons and Production Reds from last year.
If nobody confirms the Brahmas guess (though I am pretty sure) I will post a pic of mine from a few weeks ago for comparison. The only one I have available right now is at 9 weeks and they change so much in that time.
My guess is you got them as "day old" meaning just a few days old since they do not look past 3 weeks old at the picture time.
Photo #1 is a blue color, unknown breed. and that's all I really known, most look like mixes or you might have to wait until they are older, I don't see the silkie? could you post a photo of that one?
The first chick I agree with CascadiaRiver as being a mix chick... I have three chicks that look the same as that one. Mine are half black Australorp. Feathers should come in black and white. Mine has either Buff Chantecler/Orpington or Dominique mixed with the Australorp. the only difference is yours has almost all black feet and mine are half black. What do the parents look like?

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