HELP! Incubator quit day 26!

I'm Sorry, I think she went to do it. I have some of those tiny screwdrivers and they are really little, especially the point in a Phillips one. I'm not sure the perspective showed in the pic. I believe it will make a teeny hole, but I should have stayed out of it. I'm so sorry... I will shut up now...
I'm Sorry, I think she went to do it. I have some of those tiny screwdrivers and they are really little, especially the point in a Phillips one. I'm not sure the perspective showed in the pic. I believe it will make a teeny hole, but I should have stayed out of it. I'm so sorry... I will shut up now...

No that's fine it's just sometimes, people get carried away and make these huge holes so that they can see there beaks and it's really not necessary.. only causes more issues.
Alright, here's what we've got. They really starting peeping away - Made me happy,:lol:

hadn't heard that since yesterday morning!
The hole is PERFECT, but make sure you went threw that first membrane..

I'm pretty sure I did; if you enlarge the pic you can see there's a horizontal line where it's broke through. That's the membrane right?

And how long do I wait to do anything else now? Another 24 hrs?
Were you able to use the little Phillips tip like a little drill and sorta drive into the shell? 

Yeah I used the side of a pair of scissors to "hammer" it in gently, worked well! The shells did seem tough though, I'm afraid they sre still going to have trouble getting out of them! :/
Will give them 24 hours to make progress, by tomorrow we should be able to preform surgery if need too. HANG TIGHT we are at the FINAL stretch..

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