HELP! Inner membrane bloody!

Thank you:) that's calmed me down abit now haha, it started hatching around 6pm, it's now 11pm, the blood vessels seem to be fading? I'm going to keep checking in him/her and damping membrane so she/he doesn't dry out! The chick is less vocal now but think its sleeping:) thank you so much, ill keep you updated, I might need more of your help seems though its my first!
The vessels will appear to fade as they retract. How is it doing now?
I peeled more menrane off top and since then he's pushed out all by himself, I noticed that some of the yolk hasn't all absorbed, but apparently that's okay? It looks a little dry, and what do I do with the trachoma t from
Yolk to chick??
Well done and congrats! Two perfect chicks! I couldn't see much detail in the first pic, but the second one looks great. The membrane's perfect. Are you sure you saw yolk? I can see some egg gunk in the second pic and people sometimes mistake that for yolk. Yolk would be orange/yellow in colour and possibly have some fine veining around it, depending how much of it is still unabsorbed. Leave the babies in the incubator until they have dried off before removing them. The gunk will detach by itself, so don't pull on it or cut it.
I know this is an older thread, but I have had to so far help 2 and working on a 3rd chick out of it's entrapment in it's egg.
The first two went fairly well, this was last week but i hoped to not to have to do this again it is nerve wrackingand scary and I Managed to get both of the previous chciks out of their shells with no real issues I took my time kept them moist turned up my Humidity.
On the first 2 one of them started to bleed a tiny bit. I mamaged to stop the bleeding with a trick I learned trimming Dog toe nails. I used corn starch, First i took a q tip and dampened the area a tiny bit then I patted with the tip of my finger a litle bit of corn starch. it stopped the bleeding and i was able to wait a bit longer and hatch the chick out.
Tonight I am having to do it all over again becasue this little chicks clutch mate was found dead in it's egg pipped but not zipped and I don't want to loose two. SO if you have to help a chick try the corn starch if it has a tiny bleed spot . but wait as long as possable before you attempt to help.

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