HELP!!! Late hatching quail eggs!!

I know it is really, really hard to be patient. Especially the first time (and the one after that - maybe it's just me but I always get excited). Do just leave them as sometimes it's really hard to see the initial external pip and floating them if they have made that pip will drown them. Fingers crossed! :fl
It's day 21, there is no movement, piping, chirping, or anything...would it be a good idea to make a little hole in the air sack for the eggs?

I think I might be getting to impatient :thbut I have a feeling they haven't survived..should i just leave them in for another 24 hours because I would hate to open one now only to discover a live chick, but then I would also hate to leave the chick and then open it days later to discover a fully grown chick that's dead inside.

Any ideas on what to do?
It's so hard to know the best course of action. Have you candled them to see what's going on? Do the eggs look full? What does the air cell look like? Is it tilted? It tilts or draws down when hatching is getting close.

My chicks are alright but the one I helped hatch is so tiny and weak and I'm not sure it's going to make it. It's little foot is still all curled up but I'm not sure it's worth stressing it out by trying to fix it.
It's so hard to know the best course of action. Have you candled them to see what's going on? Do the eggs look full? What does the air cell look like? Is it tilted? It tilts or draws down when hatching is getting close.

My chicks are alright but the one I helped hatch is so tiny and weak and I'm not sure it's going to make it. It's little foot is still all curled up but I'm not sure it's worth stressing it out by trying to fix it.

I have candled them, so far all of them are full (except the air cell). One of the air cells had a giant dip in one side, and the others just have a normal air cell. I did see a little black blob in the center of one of the air cells although it might have been my flashlight.

So glad to hear that most of your chicks are okay!!! Sad to hear one might not make it, but hopefully it does:fl
The one with the dip in the side is what they do when getting ready to hatch so keep the faith and give them a bit more time.
I opened them today and sadly the remaining 5 were dead. Three of the eggs had this white mushy stuff, and the other two had fully developed chicks inside!!!

I'm pretty sure the problem was the temperature and humidity (I've had a lot of fluctuations). I'm going to try again in a couple of days and this time I think I'm going to leave the fan off (the temp kept going up and down when the fan was on) and keep the ventilation hole I made open.

How is the chick you helped hatch doing?
Oh, what a shame. Unfortunately my little one died. It looked very small and didn't seem to be eating so it wasn't unexpected. But the other 5 that hatched are very active and growing.

Do try again. I know shipped eggs can be troublesome. Soon you'll have your own birds producing eggs to hatch. Let me know how it goes.
I have a question. On day 18 only one quail baby has hatched. It’s been about 12 hours since it hatched and he’s all alone. Should I leave him and wait for the others or place him in a brooder alone?

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