Help! Lethargic chicken


In the Brooder
Nov 16, 2024
Hello, I have an 18 week old barred rock pullet that appears to be extremely lethargic today, puffed up, falling asleep standing up and has green tinged, oily looking diarrhea. I went to pick her up and she vomited a little, and it appears like she is spitting up any time she tries to preen her belly.

She has not started laying yet, and we did let them roam around the backyard yesterday so I know she ate some grass. I smelled her beak and don't smell anything sour. Her crop is only minimally full but is a little squishy. I thought maybe sour crop but the lack of foul smell has me second guessing it.

She's not really wanting to eat or drink... Ideas? Help??

I'm still relatively new to chickens and I'm not sure where to start..picture of chicken in question and most recent poop..


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Bring her inside. Can you give her some cooked oats blended up with milk , vitamins B complex and E? I would just syringe it into her. I had a hen that acted like this but I caught her to late.

Can you check her for an egg she may have stuck?

Do you see a long piece of grass in her troat of mouth?
Bring her inside. Can you give her some cooked oats blended up with milk , vitamins B complex and E? I would just syringe it into her. I had a hen that acted like this but I caught her to late.

Can you check her for an egg she may have stuck?

Do you see a long piece of grass in her troat of mouth?
I have her inside right now, I'm was able to look in her mouth and didn't see any grass in there. I put some water with ACV in it with her and I just watched her take 4 good drinks. I don't know if I should withhold food, give food, give a different kind of food.. I don't have any b complex on hand but can go get some
I have her inside right now, I'm was able to look in her mouth and didn't see any grass in there. I put some water with ACV in it with her and I just watched her take 4 good drinks. I don't know if I should withhold food, give food, give a different kind of food.. I don't have any b complex on hand but can go get some
What feed do you use? Maybe just some oats would be fine or cooked egg would be even better.
What feed do you use? Maybe just some oats would be fine or cooked egg would be even better.
We have them on dumor starter/grower crumbles still until they hit 20 weeks old, none of our 6 pullets have started laying yet. They have free access to grit and aside from the 10 minutes outside of their run every few days their 'free range' ability is pretty limited.

She's exploring her little trough we have her in right now and seems a little perkier, but her last poop was just pure urates and water.

I'll try offering her a little scrambled eggs and see how she does with that.

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