Help! Lethargic days old chick with infected looking naval


7 Years
Sep 10, 2015
Hello all, today I noticed one of my chicks I hatched late last week is very lethargic. I checked to find his abdomen coated in.. I dont know what.

He seemed lethargic a few days ago, but after a nap he was up and eating and drinking, and I noticed the naval area had a scab looking thing. I haven't hatched enough chicks to notice if scabby navals are common ot okay. Inmthinking his naval got infected.. It stinks and he's not looking good.

I also noticed his feet seem... Very thin and skinny? The other chicks have full thick little feet. This fella should be a Brahma.

His vent is not clogged, and he can poop but I'm stuck. Will he be okay if I can treat him? Please help, any advice is great.
I haven't hatched enough chicks to notice if scabby navals are common ot okay. Inmthinking his naval got infected.. It stinks and he's not looking good.

No, naval scabs aren't good and infection is a huge risk. I always give them a chance but if they start to fail, I dispatch and end their misery.

Also you never wanna pull on a naval scab as it could disembowel them.

Feet look pretty normal... except maybe one of the back toes isn't exactly right.. could just be the way it's standing.

Some extreme pics, but nice info...

Another one on cause of unhealed navals...

Page 53 has the cause of naval not closed along with other descriptions of your hatch condition to help determine what was your actual issue...

Dang cute chick! :love

Sorry he isn't well. :( :fl
No, naval scabs aren't good and infection is a huge risk. I always give them a chance but if they start to fail, I dispatch and end their misery.

Also you never wanna pull on a naval scab as it could disembowel them.

Feet look pretty normal... except maybe one of the back toes isn't exactly right.. could just be the way it's standing.

Some extreme pics, but nice info...

Another one on cause of unhealed navals...

Page 53 has the cause of naval not closed along with other descriptions of your hatch condition to help determine what was your actual issue...

Dang cute chick! :love

Sorry he isn't well. :( :fl
Thanks so much for this!!!

I went ahead and cleaned, but I don't think he will make it

I have another chick that has a little "black button" but is doing well. Should I apply iodine just in case?
I have never hatched chicks before, all I can do is hold your hand until someone with experience sees this! Nice pics of an adorable chick!
Thank you so kindly, I'll be cleaning the brooder now and check to make sure the other chicks don't have any scabby or bad navals. I know one other chick has it but seems to be doing fine.

This chick seems to have trouble standing correctly, I don't know if the legs are weak or not, maybe the picture didn't show exactly what I'm seeing.
I honestly don't know... but I don't THINK it will hurt. :confused:

I'm going to take my chances with the article, where is said prevention is key and I went ahead and applied some to the other chick. Its very strong and running around d but... I just want to be safe and try? Just cleaned the brooder and they are happily pecking away
Unfortunately the chick that had the issue just passed... :(

I'll take it as a learning experience, and be more aware of these bad navals in the future.

If anything, if I don't forget, I'll post an update on the other chick with the scabby naval. They are doing great so far and I just went ahead and applied a little iodine.

Thank you for those who responded, read and answered.

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