Help me decide on a stallion to breed my mare to! Update #120

The thing is, though, we don't each live in our own individual vacuums, reaping only what we sow. The 'it's my right to breed my animal' people reap, and the folks who work in animal rescue clean up the mess that's left behind...and there is a large mess at the moment. I'm sure everyone will be excited to see my next posting about the horses that will be sitting in the kill pen in Enumclaw waiting to go to slaughter after they are run through the auction on Sunday and no one wants them more than the kill buyer does. Papered horses. Trained horses. Horses with more to recommend them than some pretty hair. I think I just hit 100% on the snark meter...sorry OP, I know Vanners are also known for super nice dispositions.

In terms of internet manners, though, you're right, it's not generally considered the done thing to respond to 'who should I breed my mare to' with 'you shouldn't breed her at all!'. The original poster is a big girl and can ask the mods to lock the threads, remove posts, etc if she wishes.
The thing is, though, we don't each live in our own individual vacuums, reaping only what we sow. The 'it's my right to breed my animal' people reap, and the folks who work in animal rescue clean up the mess that's left behind...and there is a large mess at the moment. I'm sure everyone will be excited to see my next posting about the horses that will be sitting in the kill pen in Enumclaw waiting to go to slaughter after they are run through the auction on Sunday and no one wants them more than the kill buyer does. Papered horses. Trained horses. Horses with more to recommend them than some pretty hair. I think I just hit 100% on the snark meter...sorry OP, I know Vanners are also known for super nice dispositions.

In terms of internet manners, though, you're right, it's not generally considered the done thing to respond to 'who should I breed my mare to' with 'you shouldn't breed her at all!'. The original poster is a big girl and can ask the mods to lock the threads, remove posts, etc if she wishes.

This is what my post was getting at, you just put it in a nicer more eolquent way. Again, I am not unaware or unsympathetic to the plight of homless, uncared for animals. Nor am I oblivious to the pet over population probelm. Just seems that manners get thrown out the window when we have a computer screen to hide behind and I wish they didn't.
That's true, Tarann, we have been that route before. Sometimes it is best to sit back and wait when you have already made your point known, that is all you can do for now.

The problem with some of those shelters, too many restictions, too many "common breeds", etc. that the poor horses have to suffer after the owners had to make the best decision how they will let their horses go. And some of us as customers, want a certain breed or certain color, etc. that sometimes more often than not, shelters don't have them.
I NEED to change my user name. Its Tara please. I always feel like I'm being scolded by my mother
I NEED to change my user name. Its Tara please. I always feel like I'm being scolded by my mother

Please do, if you feel that you are being scolded and find a good user name!
"was that directed at me"

No. For one thing, you don't sound like you'll be dissuaded. You've already made your decision and sound very determined.

I am not concerned about who said it, suggested it, felt it here. It's such a widespread sentiment that a person wants to breed their mare.

The thing is, it doesn't even really matter if it's a nice mare or not. It's a lot more than that - it's the whole horrible mess the economy is in.

I disagree with ewesheep, the bright spots of the market, I don't think are very deep or widespread. I'm very pessimistic right now.

And 'it's just for me' - that doesn't work. I could step on a banana peel tomorrow and that foal would be on the market.
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My income isn't going anywhere, so even if I were to have an accident I would still be able to care for my mare and her foal.

I think things through about a million times and then second guess myself and think it through a million more. I am not one to take a big decision lightly.
That is true, but you don't find too many bright spots of the market nor is it very deep or widespread. The horse market is poor, very dismal in our area. Famous breeders are not breeding their broodmares at all but they do offer stud services tho to get a little cash flow in. A buyer's market for stud fees!
It is ridiculously cheap now.

Georgialee, I would have to say, you have plenty of time to think about breeding your mare and one day the light bulb will pop up in your head that will determine your decision of the choice of stallion right then and there. If I have to select by color, I like the buckskin.
I just don't understand why you HAVE to breed her.

If you have the money for stud fee and money to sit on the offspring for a few years, then surely you have the money NOT to breed her.

Again, it's your decision but I really don't understand HAVING to breed an animal unless you are breeding something for meat/human consumption.
Of course a lot of people actually are breeding for meat/human consumption, they just don't realize it ("Oh, but the slaughter houses in the US were closed down!") or they kid themselves that what they're breeding is so special that it will never end up in the slaughter pipeline.

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