
May 13, 2015
Two white Pekin ducks, lower middle Tennessee, male taken while sleeping. We heard the girl going crazy looking into woods and went looking for him. He was my first ever duck. Last week we had a chicken killed head off but found near body. My duck no head and looked to be hollow, like something reached in through missing head hole and cleaned him out. My dad saw something with the spot light brown with yellow eyes that moved like an otter but we don't havea lake. We set traps after chicken was found dead and I'm scared the bait is bringing them to the live stock. Please help figure out what this predator is and if there is a way to stop them besides getting up at 4am and blowing then away with a shot gun. Also is my female going to look for him forever, will she ever get over this and find another mate. I only have mallards and her, she is a Pekin can they mate with each other
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I am really sorry. That sounds very sad and stressful. My best guess is that it was probably a racoon or possum. Good luck.
I will keep looking for more ideas.
Two white Pekin ducks, lower middle Tennessee, male taken while sleeping. We heard the girl going crazy looking into woods and went looking for him. He was my first ever duck. Last week we had a chicken killed head off but found near body. My duck no head and looked to be hollow, like something reached in through missing head hole and cleaned him out. My dad saw something with the spot light brown with yellow eyes that moved like an otter but we don't havea lake. We set traps after chicken was found dead and I'm scared the bait is bringing them to the live stock. Please help figure out what this predator is and if there is a way to stop them besides getting up at 4am and blowing then away with a shot gun. Also is my female going to look for him forever, will she ever get over this and find another mate. I only have mallards and her, she is a Pekin can they mate with each other

This exact thing happened to my turkey hen. It was an owl that ate her head and her neck. Do they have a coop? And u should put your female in your garage or house because the owl was back again the next night for more turkey. I hope she says safe and well
also shes going to need a new mate
Perhaps a mink? They're somewhat otter-like. Your Pekin will eventually get over her loss and will live/mate quite happily with the Mallards. I'm so sorry that this happened and for the sense of unrest that it must give you.
Whatever it was it drug him down the hill of brush (which will be cut back when the sun is out) towards the creek but a limb stopped the dragging so I'm voting out hawk also bc my dad saw something close to the ground. But thank u for your reply. They are free range buti have my girl in dog run for now (no dogs of course).

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