Help me kill my conifer!

I'm glad you haven't done anything to the tree yet, my main concern being if you damage the roots it could tip and fall on your house, chickens/coop, or neighbors or their property depending how tall it is. Now that you guys have come to the agreement of removing it, my best advice is having a tree removal service or at least someone with experience cutting down trees and find out if stump removal is included. The trees that were removed just before we moved in the stumps were left behind and they drilled into them and poured in some chemical that was supposed to kill it but it just kept growing new shoots so we opted to dig them out ourselves and remove as much of the tap root as we could, it's below about 4-5 ft of dirt now and most of the side roots were taken out as we dug for my garden so nothing has grown back since then.

Not so much in killing the conifer, but in FINALLY convincing my partner that the blasted thing needs to come down.
I had noticed that whenever I was working near or under the damn thing I would have little bugs on me. I can't guarantee there were blood mites, but I'm not taking any chances. The thing is right next to/ partly over my coop.
I told my partner (I may have embellished a bit, but creepy crawlies really creep me out) and he finally acknowledged the thing has to go. We decided to wait until winter to make sure it's empty of any nesting birds. With the caveat that if I do suddenly get an infestation it has to go immediately.
I cannot tell you how relieved I am. The stupid thing is going!

Also a little shoutout to Natj, I asked a friend who isn't a certified arborist, but does have a a vibrant green thumb and works in local tree management, I sent them some pictures and they did say it look kind of weird. It might actually be sick after all.

I'm so happy I'm getting rid of it. It'll free up a lot of space and I'm already planning to turn the area into a nice little seating area right next to my chickens. This time next year I'll be enjoying my coffee from a comfy lounge chair in a cute little corner. I can't wait
Well, it has been a year, how’s your situation? 👀

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