Help! MG and Tylan 50!


Run by roosters
Apr 13, 2020
A backwoods coop in NH
Hello, I have a bantam NH red cockerel who will be a rooster in a couple months(so he’s pretty much full grown) and he’s been rather melancholy and listless since Friday night. This morning I went down to the coop and found him in the same condition but now he has foamy eyes. His breathing seems to be ok and he halfheartedly eats from my hand and drinks when I hold up a cap full of water in front of him. Still, I’m pretty sure it’s mycoplasma gallisepticum, but I have no clue where he got it from we’ve not been to a show since January. We are going to treat him with Tylan 50. I know it doesn’t work as well orally but I’ve heard it causes adverse reactions when injected so it will most likely be given orally. Could it be given as both? I’m home alone most of the day and not qualified to give injections so my mom could do it at night and I could have him drink it during the day? He’s in a breeding pen with two other hens so they have definitely been exposed.Should I treat them too but in lower doses? Anyone have any experiences with this bacteria or the medication we are going to use? Thanks in advance!!

- FluffyBottomBantams
You are right, it sounds possibly like mycoplasma gallisepticum or MG. I don’t know why you heard that Tylan orally does not work very well. It does. Dosage is 0.25 ml (1/4 ml) PER POUND given orally 3 times a day for 5 days. Make sure that he drinks enough water since a sick and lethargic chicken usually does not. You may add a little water to a small bowl of chicken feed to get more into him.

Have you added any new chickens to your flock recently? Chickens can be carriers of MG, and it can become symptomatic when they are stressed. That includes during molting and cold winter weather, moving to a new place, etc.
Sorry that you are dealing with this.
You are right, it sounds possibly like mycoplasma gallisepticum or MG. I don’t know why you heard that Tylan orally does not work very well. It does. Dosage is 0.25 ml (1/4 ml) PER POUND given orally 3 times a day for 5 days. Make sure that he drinks enough water since a sick and lethargic chicken usually does not. You may add a little water to a small bowl of chicken feed to get more into him.

Have you added any new chickens to your flock recently? Chickens can be carriers of MG, and it can become symptomatic when they are stressed. That includes during molting and cold winter weather, moving to a new place, etc.
Sorry that you are dealing with this.
Thank you for the advice !! We will be giving it orally, and also putting in in water. One of his two hens is acting kind of down so she’ll be getting some too.egg production has stopped in that pen completely while the pen next to it is still giving us two eggs a day. Should we be giving everyone in the coop a small dosage as a preventative measure ?or would that be building up resistance? Can ducks get it?we have four, and we have older chicks in the house that have most likely been exposed, how vulnerable are they to that? I’ve read that MG is transmitted vertically as well ,so they may have hatched with it.
Tylan 50 and 200 were taken out of feed stores a year ago, and no one sells them. Your vet locally may have something as good so you don’t have to wait for shipping. Tylosin powder is Tylan. It is not good to give to those who are not showing symptoms, since they might not respond to it later if they should not it. It is not a preventative.
Well that stinks. Does anyone else see that it isn’t being sold? explains why tractor supply was out though. We are calling around tomorrow to see if any of the stores in one of the farther towns has anything like it. We are also going to call the exotic vet we buy our dewormer from and see if they carry something for respiratory infections.
Take my word for it that Tylan is not available anywhere. There are a few other antibiotcs which will treat MG that you exotic vet would be able to prescribe. Baytril, doxycycline, and oxytetracycline are some other antibiotics to consider. The Jedds link that I gave you earlier can ship the Tylan powder in a few days. You can ask them how long it would take.

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