Help, my 1 yo male goose is suddenly acting dizzy. He is eating and drinking, but losing his balance and did fall a couple times. Though he still

About the same the next day. I gave him sugar water, grapes, peas, and filled his pool which hasn’t been available to him since the winter. I’m thinking I could give him a tip upticks for possible ear infection. I need info on the dosing. Uggh how to give meds to a goose!
Why specifically do you suspect an ear infection?

Ear infections in birds are typically in relation to an upper respiratory infection, you should see slight facial swelling, maybe discharge from the ear and sinuses, and snicking, sneezing coughing.

If it’s a localized infection only affecting the ear you should see some discharge from the ear.

Lack of coordination can be caused from vitamin deficiencies, exposure to toxins or heavy metals, some sort of brain injury or stroke, or an issue with damage or something pressing on the lower spinal cord and nerves.

The most common cause by far is vitamin deficiency. Just because other birds aren’t affected that doesn’t mean a bird still doesn’t have it. Vitamin deficiencies can be caused by numerous things like parasites or infections or simply a less efficient metabolism.

You could put him on antibiotics, but without being sure of the cause that could deplete his gut microbiome needlessly. I would suggest putting him on a liquid multivitamin and a liquid B complex and see how that works out for a few days at least, you’ll need a 12ml syringe.

Squat over his back just enough that you’ve got him restrained but not sitting on him. With one hand pinch the corners of his mouth until he starts to open, open his mouth and insert the syringe as far down the right side of HIS throat as you can, then hit the plunger. Hold his beak upwards for a moment so he doesn’t spit it out.
If he tries to throw it up let him, it’s better than letting him aspirate.
Eating n drinking well. Walks like he’s off balance. No troubles with his feet or legs. Once in a while he shakes his head as if he just dipped it in water but he hasn’t. Just appears dizzy
Otherwise seems with good energy, no other signs.
Why specifically do you suspect an ear infection?

Ear infections in birds are typically in relation to an upper respiratory infection, you should see slight facial swelling, maybe discharge from the ear and sinuses, and snicking, sneezing coughing.

If it’s a localized infection only affecting the ear you should see some discharge from the ear.

Lack of coordination can be caused from vitamin deficiencies, exposure to toxins or heavy metals, some sort of brain injury or stroke, or an issue with damage or something pressing on the lower spinal cord and nerves.

The most common cause by far is vitamin deficiency. Just because other birds aren’t affected that doesn’t mean a bird still doesn’t have it. Vitamin deficiencies can be caused by numerous things like parasites or infections or simply a less efficient metabolism.

You could put him on antibiotics, but without being sure of the cause that could deplete his gut microbiome needlessly. I would suggest putting him on a liquid multivitamin and a liquid B complex and see how that works out for a few days at least, you’ll need a 12ml syringe.

Squat over his back just enough that you’ve got him restrained but not sitting on him. With one hand pinch the corners of his mouth until he starts to open, open his mouth and insert the syringe as far down the right side of HIS throat as you can, then hit the plunger. Hold his beak upwards for a moment so he doesn’t spit it out.
If he tries to throw it up let him, it’s better than letting him aspirate.
I will give this a go! Ty so much!
When he shakes his head is his mouth open?
No his mouth isn’t open. This came on very quickly. Put him to bed the night before with no symptoms and the next morning he started to loose his balance when he looked up or down to drink or when he tried to mount his mate. No signs of trauma, eyes look bright, no sneezing, or loss of appetite, no apparent fatigue. Someone suggested vit b complex for deficiency, I didn’t know it could present so suddenly if it were deficiency but I guess I don’t have any solid reason to say it’s ear infection except that it seems less likely he got into anything poisonous, no trauma that I can see, no apparent signs of diarrhea. So other than a neurological event (stroke) I just leaned toward ear infection. I will try the vit b!
Why specifically do you suspect an ear infection?

Ear infections in birds are typically in relation to an upper respiratory infection, you should see slight facial swelling, maybe discharge from the ear and sinuses, and snicking, sneezing coughing.

If it’s a localized infection only affecting the ear you should see some discharge from the ear.

Lack of coordination can be caused from vitamin deficiencies, exposure to toxins or heavy metals, some sort of brain injury or stroke, or an issue with damage or something pressing on the lower spinal cord and nerves.

The most common cause by far is vitamin deficiency. Just because other birds aren’t affected that doesn’t mean a bird still doesn’t have it. Vitamin deficiencies can be caused by numerous things like parasites or infections or simply a less efficient metabolism.

You could put him on antibiotics, but without being sure of the cause that could deplete his gut microbiome needlessly. I would suggest putting him on a liquid multivitamin and a liquid B complex and see how that works out for a few days at least, you’ll need a 12ml syringe.

Squat over his back just enough that you’ve got him restrained but not sitting on him. With one hand pinch the corners of his mouth until he starts to open, open his mouth and insert the syringe as far down the right side of HIS throat as you can, then hit the plunger. Hold his beak upwards for a moment so he doesn’t spit it out.
If he tries to throw it up let him, it’s better than letting him aspirate.
Do you know how much b complex I’m to give him orally?
You can give him 1ml to 3ml per dose once a day. B vitamins are water soluble and the risk of overdose is low.

Something you can try to check if something is bothering his ear is to rub your fingers next to each of his ears to see if he has hearing in both ears.
we managed to get him and safely give him the vit b 12 complex 3cc.
His vent looks good, neck feathers on that one side are growing back in. Eyes are clear , no sneezing or watery nose, eyes. We will give him more tomorrow and check his ears at that time. So grateful for this help. We don’t want to be hasty and give him antibiotics. So far he has not worsened, still eating n drinking n pooping! Ty all!

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