Help ! my babies are dieing...


In the Brooder
Jan 5, 2018
Hello I am new to raising chickens and I need some advice. I am recently a new chicken mama. I spent 2 weeks in January looking at every hatchery and finally decided on Hoovers because they had everything that I was looking for. I ordered 17 chicks of varying types (Welsummers, Calico, Rainbow, Isa, Tetra, Production red, Americuana, Delaware). As I am new to raising chickens I wanted to do everything right. I ordered all the vaccinations and beak trimming. Made a beautiful brooder, bought the eco glow 20, set up a beautiful nursery for my babies. I live in Virginia and it took 2 days for the chicks to get to me. Our weather has been very springlike, temps in the mid 60's. My brooder is in my living room that is separated from the rest of the house so it's very quiet and our dogs and cats don't disturb it. I got my order this week..and it has been heartbreaking. I took off from work the day they arrived so very excited to see my babies. They arrived alive and well. Now, I fully expected some to not survive so I was happy that they arrived alive. I even know that sometimes within 48 hours you can lose a few. Well it started with one. I could tell from the start it wasn't well. We seperated it and nursed and she seemed like she was doing great. The next day she died. That morning I also had 3 more die. The next day I had 2 more die. All total so far in less than a week I have lost half of my babies. I was careful to check for pasty butt so I know that wasn't the cause. Hoover did refund my money but that doesn't help when your babies start dying. I am afraid to look in my brooder each morning. Keeping my fingers crossed that the rest of my babies survive. If not, I may not venture into having chickens again. Can anyone give me any advise? Is the Eco glow warm enough (doesn't seem to be 95 degrees like the chicks need but I've read great reviews on it). Am I doing something wrong? This is heartbreaking.
Do you have a thermometer to monitor temp in the brooder? What are they eating and are they eating/drinking well?
What are you using for their light source and how close is it? Some bulbs have a teflon coating that is deadly to birds of all kinds.
Do you have a thermometer to monitor temp in the brooder? What are they eating and are they eating/drinking well?
What are you using for their light source and how close is it? Some bulbs have a teflon coating that is deadly to birds of all kinds.
I don't have a thermometer because I am using the Eco Glow 20. They are eating
chick crumble. They all seem to be eating and drinking fine. Is it typical to lose so many chicks?
I don't have a thermometer because I am using the Eco Glow 20. They are eating
chick crumble. They all seem to be eating and drinking fine. Is it typical to lose so many chicks?
No, it's not. What about your light source? Is it in the brooder?
Can you take a photo of your set-up? Hopefully some of the experts here will come along with more ideas.....
Do you have a thermometer to monitor temp in the brooder? What are they eating and are they eating/drinking well?
What are you using for their light source and how close is it? Some bulbs have a teflon coating that is deadly to birds of all kinds.

The OP mentions using an EcoGlow which is an electric hen heat plate. I have the Titan version and they are great. Far better and safer than bulbs.

OP....are the chicks all using the EcoGlow? Do you have it set at a height low enough to be in contact with their back? That's how it works...the chicks need to be able to actually touch it.

Are there any symptoms in the chicks before death? What feed are they on and is it medicated? Are you seeing them eat and drink? Could you post pictures or describe you set up so we can see if we can help? xx
No, it's not. What about your light source? Is it in the brooder?
Can you take a photo of your set-up? Hopefully some of the experts here will come along with more ideas.....
The EcoGlow sits inside the brooder. Chicks can go under it when they need to and walk around as they want to. When they need the warmth they go under it.
The OP mentions using an EcoGlow which is an electric hen heat plate. I have the Titan version and they are great. Far better and safer than bulbs.

OP....are the chicks all using the EcoGlow? Do you have it set at a height low enough to be in contact with their back? That's how it works...the chicks need to be able to actually touch it.

Are there any symptoms in the chicks before death? What feed are they on and is it medicated? Are you seeing them eat and drink? Could you post pictures or describe you set up so we can see if we can help? xx
Other than the first chick that died, there have been no symptoms. I watch them very carfully especially after losing the first one. I have the Eco Glow on the 2nd height settings, so it may not be low enough but yes, all the chicks are using it. I check on them before going to bed but every morning when I check on them since Thursday when they were delivered, I have one or more that is dead in a corner of the brooder. I am not using medicated feed because they were all vaccinated for maerks and cocc.
When you touch the eco glow does it feel warm? If they are on week 1 it should be on the lowest setting. Are the chicks huddled under it like they are cold or walking around the brooder and then going back under? Did they all start drinking on their own and eating?
When you touch the eco glow does it feel warm? If they are on week 1 it should be on the lowest setting. Are the chicks huddled under it like they are cold or walking around the brooder and then going back under? Did they all start drinking on their own and eating?
Yes it feels warm. They do huddle under it like they are cold and yes they were all drinking and eating on their own.
Welcome, and I'm so sorry! Set a thermometer under the brooder plate to check the temperature there; does it feel warm to you? Could it be malfunctioning?
This isn't normal at all!
Are they actually eating, or just rooting around in the food? Debeaking isn't 'nice' at all, and I'm also wondering if there are issues there.
Call the hatchery tomorrow and complain! At least let them know that things aren't going well. What's their policy?
Consider having dead chicks chilled and necropsied, in case there's something going on that you should know about, like an infection.

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