HELP my chicken is dying!


10 Years
Nov 20, 2014
My duck coop
My barred rock chicken must have been attacked last night. I did hear the ducks freaking out and the Chickens are right next door. Anyways what can I do to save her!
Keep her warm and quiet to avoid shock...make sure she's drinking and eating.
Keep it clean, keep other birds away if they are pecking at it.
Clean once and only once with hydrogen peroxide.////saline after if needed
Put triple antibiotic ointment WITHOUT PAIN RELIEF on wound each day.
Watch closely for infection.

She can come back from that.
The best way to heal this wound is with Raw Honey
Raw honey is the best for open wounds or wounds.

My little brother peeled the skin off both of his hands
in 2 weeks with putting raw honey on them he is completely healed.
RAW HONEY works if you want to save your beloved chicken please use raw honey. The skin will come back and then feathers.
Trust me.
I also used raw honey on my chicken Coffee got pecked badly on her puffy head. Her puffy head was dangling so I put raw honey on her head and it healed soo fast.
Raw honey is sticky...I wouldn't put raw honey on a chicken..a human yes, but not a chicken who is outside...every bit of dirt will stick to that wound. I would put peroxide on it and leave her alone. I had a chicken just like that ..she was even worse under her feathers , she had strings of meat hanging off of her and I left her alone and she came through it...She needed rest and alone time more than anything. I didn't want to stress her out, as she had already had been through so much.
Raw honey is sticky...I wouldn't put raw honey on a chicken..a human yes, but not a chicken who is outside...every bit of dirt will stick to that wound. I would put peroxide on it and leave her alone. I had a chicken just like that ..she was even worse under her feathers , she had strings of meat hanging off of her and I left her alone and she came through it...She needed rest and alone time more than anything. I didn't want to stress her out, as she had already had been through so much.
Well that is true but honey makes wounds better fast!!!
You just put a bandaid on them or vetrap
I keep the tins of Bag Balm on hand at all times. This last summer, our rooster, a Cochin, almost looked skinned from a neighbor's dog. He was in terrible shock when I found him. I cleaned out as much dirt as I could, cleaned up the wounds as well as possible and coated him in Bag Balm. I gave him some antibiotics, wrapped him in some gauze and a warm towel and just held him for a while for the shock. Then I put him in the empty brooder with water and medicated feed mixed in plain yogurt. I kept bag balm on him to keep the skin from drying out and hardening. I love that stuff. As bad as he was, he pulled thru and regrew his feathers. Unbelievable!
Gauze is a good idea..never thought of that.
It's amazing that they make it through something like that.....the pain has to be awful. I look at my chicken and remember, wondering how she made it ..she still has a limp though.

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