Help!! My chicken was attacked by a cat!!

Mites and lice are often confused. It helps to know which you're chicken has. If you can, get a magnifying lens and look at one of the bugs and count the legs. If it has eight, you have mites. If it has only six legs, it's a louse.

Both can be treated with permethrin, either the dusting powder or the liquid. If you have mites, then the coop must be treated since the mites live in the coop walls while lice only live on the chickens.
this is a thread about a wing injury.
Since the OP mentioned tiny bugs post injury - unless the other chickens are presenting with the same - could it potentially be fleas since "cats are notorious for serving as flea magnets" (veterinarian comment, not mine).
I've taken a closer look at them, and they are indeed mites. There aren't so many, I will treat them soon. The neosporin and saline are helping, and she is resting well, eating and drinking. Thanks all for the quick advice. I will update.
Okay, the mites have been treated and her wound is almost fully healed so I put her in her new coop yesterday. She’s doing fine, however she has some trouble flying, because when she falls she can’t really balance and somehow ends up on her side.
Give her one vitamin E capsule each day for a few days and see if that corrects her imbalance. She also could be experiencing electrolyte imbalance, it causes balance issues. Give her a teaspoon of sugar with a pinch of salt and baking soda in a cup of water

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