Help my silkie got attacked

Yes give a few to get her
Her feet were Frost bit awhile ago and now they're dying. They will fall off, if you want to keep her, you'll need to keep up the first aid and her in a sling until the stumps heal. You can find 3d printed stump feet
She's already in alot of pain
My silkie got attacked i put her in a tote with fine pine shavings and been cleaning it every other day to every 3 days as she recovers as her wings were bloody but now her feet are looking rotted and smell bad and are peeling the toes look like they are broken i was told to put her in Epsom soak but I am wondering if this chicken should be called instead or what can cause this i have never had this issue in 4 years that I been raising chickens any advice pleasechelp

I integrated her to the rest of my flock her hatch mate was killed from the start they just started attacking her out f no where they all got along until about a week ago she's barley eating and drinking now she can't really walk at all it looks like she is in pain. She is now peeling her feet stink really bad like rotted meat

When I stuck her outside she stayed on the snow but when I brought her in her feet looked fine I only brought her in because of her being attacked and having blood on her.

She's already in alot of pain
She's suffered frostbite.

At this point, I agree with you. Put her down out of her misery.

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