Help!....My son wants a dog!

Thank You for the advice! I know if handled correctly they can be good dogs. I am just not sure my son is up to the challenge.
I have a pit/basset hound mix and she is wonderful. As long as she knows whose the boss they'll do fine. Mine will try to catch every neighbors cat but i bought my daughter a kitten and once she learned it was mine she doesn't bother it, actually she now sleeps with it. And while i'm all for your son getting his own dog, the only concern i have if you get one and it bonds more with you or your husband then your son then what. I would try to have your son work with and train some with your current one and maybe they'll bond more.
I would never worry about a pit and a child. BUT you have other dogs and dog aggression IS a trait of the breed. A young pup brought up with the other dogs is less likely to be a problem to the dogs of the family so that might be an option.
I wouldn't hesitate to get a pit for one of my children.
I have tried to think about that... not sure what to do about that i am a strong pack leader and dogs take to me pretty quick....I was the pack leader with our last dog as well, however my husband was HER choice. She would wait by the door until he came home from work. If the new dog took to someone other than my son, he would be heartbroken! The only thing I can think of is limiting my time and role with the dog. Having my son do ALL things with the dog. And me checking or keeping watch to be sure the dog is receptive. I don't think our current dog is very receptive to the children. We bike ride and I can leash her to me (because they HAVE to be on a leash at Callaway where we ride) and ride with commands all day (on a 2 wheeled bike). Many people have asked HOW I manage that...she and I just work together. She doesn't listen very well to anyone, but me. She is a GREAT dog...but as far as she is concerned she sees me and her.....thats it. Might be some of the problem because she doesn't take to the kids very much. When she interacts with the kids she is ALWAYS taking note of where I AM. If I go to another room , she follows..... Hopefully a new dog could fit, and fill my sons desire???? I am going to put it's kennel in HIS room and have HIM put her to bed each night. I think where a dog sleeps sends a message of sorts...this is where YOU belong.
My husband has never had anything to do with the dog that bonded with him. I trained, showed, fed, groomed and did everything with this dog...yet, he is not mine.
I would never worry about a pit and a child. BUT you have other dogs and dog aggression IS a trait of the breed. A young pup brought up with the other dogs is less likely to be a problem to the dogs of the family so that might be an option.
I wouldn't hesitate to get a pit for one of my children.
I will keep that in mind...i was thinking I might take our current dog with us when we go to get the final choice and make sure that they get along before we commit to bringing her home. I am sure that there will be issues at home that have to be sorted out. But a meeting before coming home might help.
Most places set up a meeting for all pets and the new animal before they allow the new family to go home. It is a great way to make sure that the animals fit! No matter how wonderful a dog is with other dogs or pets, they can find one that they just don't like. Just like people...all dogs don't have to like all dogs or all people for that matter.
I will keep that in mind...i was thinking I might take our current dog with us when we go to get the final choice and make sure that they get along before we commit to bringing her home. I am sure that there will be issues at home that have to be sorted out. But a meeting before coming home might help.
That is very true! I think we will be on the hunt for a dog soon. I got a call from my sister who lives in KY, wishing we could come visit before summer is over. So we are going up there for a few days.....We were going to go look this weekend. Now we will need to wait until we get back. I don't want to get a new dog and then immediately take it on a trip with us...not knowing how it would behave, and it would cause the dog even more stress than having to deal with a new home. Here's hoping the dog will take to my son and all will work out well.
Thank You all for the great advice. I will post pics etc. and follow up with how everything is going.
There seem to be ALOT of Pit Bull full bred and Pit Mixes here in our rescue dog organizations.......any thoughts on that??????

I didn't really think of accepting a pit into our family as my child's dog...but most....seems like 90 percent of the short haired dogs are pit or pit mixed....NOT sure here in Georgia. Anyone have experience or advice on Pits?
Getting a pitbull as a childs pet can be very dangerous! pitbulls are extremely aggressive, thats just the way they are although some can be nice, but i have had bad experiences with pitbulls. Rescuing a dog is a wonderful thing but a rescue pitbull will be VERY scared and want to defend itself so it will be more aggressive. This is what a rescue dog could do:
I am just warning you! The dog could also attack other dogs. There is a pitbull in my neighborhood who attacked my neighbors dog and bit a piece from his ear :( It also tried to attack my poor blind dog but luckily my dad was there to save her!! Pick a dog that is friendly and that likes children. Golden retrievers are a good choice. They LOVE kids!
Getting a pitbull as a childs pet can be very dangerous! pitbulls are extremely aggressive, thats just the way they are although some can be nice, but i have had bad experiences with pitbulls. Rescuing a dog is a wonderful thing but a rescue pitbull will be VERY scared and want to defend itself so it will be more aggressive. This is what a rescue dog could do:
I am just warning you! The dog could also attack other dogs. There is a pitbull in my neighborhood who attacked my neighbors dog and bit a piece from his ear :( It also tried to attack my poor blind dog but luckily my dad was there to save her!! Pick a dog that is friendly and that likes children. Golden retrievers are a good choice. They LOVE kids!

That particular dog was not a rescue but "rescued" from an icy lake.

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