Help!....My son wants a dog!

I'm new here and I haven't read all of the posts, so if you have made a decision already, I apologize. But if you haven't chosen a dog, and you don't mind size and hair, I would suggest considering getting a Newfoundland. I have one and she is the absolute best dog I have ever owned. Newfoundlands are affectionate, loyal, and it is a well known fact that there is no breed better with children. They are known as "The Gentle Giants" and they live up to it. The hallmark of the breed is a sweet temperment which could meld very nicely with your son's personality since you said he is such a sweet kid. They have a natural instinct as water lifeguards and their sheer size can act as protection. I've had many people "cross the street" so to speak after they get a look at my dog. And I'm good with that...they don't have to know she is nothing but a big teddy bear. LOL! A Newfie's size can probably do a lot to ease any fears your son may have about the noises he hears at night. Having a big dog on my bed at night gives me comfort. They love to swim and play outside, but they are not a dog to be kept outside. You don't need a large home, as Newfies have very low indoor energy. Most of their time indoors is spent stretched out snoring. And they don't eat as much as you would think for their size.

But Newfies are not for everyone. They are big and usually don't realize their size. They have a lot of hair and shed heavily twice a year. And they drool...quite a bit. If you are house-proud, this is not the dog for you. They also require early training as their size and strength can make them unintentionally difficult to handle as they grow if they dont ge the proper training. I feel these drawbacks are a small price to pay for such an amazing dog.

I hate to say this for as much as I love these dogs, but Newfies only have a lifespan of 8-10 years. I only mention this because you had said you didn't really want the commitment of another dog. If you decide to get your son a dog, this minimizes the commitment.
Thank You for the info....for me the hair and drooling may be a problem. Also we live in Georgia and the heat is constant, the dog would probably comfortable outside for a couple months a year. I feel like a long haired dog would really suffer here. I think I am leaning toward another Weim or Weim cross. Some other things have also changed....I have realized that I want another husband does not. It took me a little while to figure that out, as I had my husband saying "we don't need another dog to take care of and drag around with us, and have to clean up after another pet"....... I think our current dog would REALLY love to have a playmate! Since the other dog has left she has been annoying the cat trying to get him to play...of course he wants NOTHING to do with playing with her! We play with her alot but it is not same as having another dog to romp with!
Yeah, the hair and drool are a problem for a lot of people. LOL! It doesn't bother me because I spent my childhood with Siberian Huskies and St. Bernards, so I'm used to it. I'm glad you've narrowed it down. Good luck!
Dogs tend to bond to one person, especially dogs like Weims. If your son wants a dog for himself, he has to feed, care, spend time with the dog to create a bond. If you plan on getting a dog you should make sure he will be committed to the dog's well being and he will be awarded with a buddy to sleep with.
I would get him a border collie because they are good with children and are easy to train. But the choise is up to you.

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