Help - Omlet Eglu owners - how to ventilate the roost?

Hi Crazy Maizie, thank you so much for those great ideas. I would have never thought about freezing water bottles but I notice one of the girls likes to lay up against the water trough after I refill it and add ice cubes, keeps her chest cool.
I am not currently on FB. I appreciate your response and suggestions.
If it's something you might try, I can see if I can share the photos of the mods.
Thank you all for these suggestions. I love the renderings of fan placement.
I wish Omlet would have built it with better ventilation in mind - if I knew then what I know now.....
I think there is more ventilation than we think with the two vents on the back and the one on the front. The way the cube is built it works as an insulator keeping them cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. I add frozen water bottles and a fan to my wood built coop too. I got the eglu because I had space and wanted more chickens. I can't build anything myself due to physical limitations. I think there are pros and cons to the eglu, but there are also pros and cons to other types of chicken coops as well.
Thank you for the link. We have been leaving the auto door open at night for extra air, now I'm thinking perhaps that's not a great idea with the high humidity at night.

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