Help, opposum attack

Amoxy is a good one. The dose for chickens is 250mg once in the morning and once again in the evening for ten days.

That's a good attitude. We can learn a lot from mistakes. My goal here is to help others learn from my mistakes, I've lost plenty of chickens along the way, so others will not need to lose theirs. But I blew this one.

I'd give your hen a 50/50 chance of recovering. You need to be prepared to lose her. But she could also pull through this, chickens being pretty tough.
Yeah, I decided a couple days ago I might be just giving her hospice and I am at peace with that. I found her in her back this morning, she is still breathing but I think she may not make it
I understand. I will try, not sure how. Not sure if I can.
Her crop doesn't seem to be emptying and yeah, she seems very weak with bad wry neck.
Just giving her some sips of liquid and to just hold her right now

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