HELP! Oral antibiotic administering for a difficult duck!!!


Jun 19, 2020
I’m at my wit’s end! I have 2 Runner Ducks (3mo old) and theyve got some sort of Respiratory bug that the vet prescribed oral antibiotics for!

PROBLEM IS, one of the ducks handled it okay, but i could tell some dribbled back out. The other one though..... bless her heart. I watched every bideo online 4x over and had her in position for 30 mins but she was squirming and REALLY stressed. I tried putting it in treats but i think shes too traumitized by that cherry flavored antibiotic and she spits the treats right out—even grapes (her favorite!)
I am losing my mind trying to get her to take the antibiotics (she’s the sicker of the two)

does anyone have any alternative methods for oral administration of liquid antibiotics??? or helpful tips?
ive got to give it to her 2x a day for 12 days
You need to learn how to restrain the duck. Maybe wrap them in a towel first, then gently but firmly open their mouths and give the medication.

tried this, she’s so traumatized from how long it took me to get the hold right that she keeps screaming and when i think i have her mouth open enough and steady, and move to put the syringe past the glottis, she violently shakes. If I hold any harder Im going to hurt her. So i just dont think thats an option anymore. She knows and hates the taste of it and if i put it in food, she wont get her full dose :( im really worried and i cant keep trying things bc im going to lose too much antibiotic
before I try again, do you have any advice for stabilizing the neck/head? my biggest problem is that she is wriggling free
This is how I hold the head.
DSCN4899 (Large).JPG
You can try at least the evening dose at night when she is sleepy. Perhaps just hold off in the antibiotics for a day or two until the "trauma" memories recede. I feel your pain though. I struggle A LOT giving antibiotics to one hen in particular. I have to wrap her TIGHT with a towel. I call her Chicken Burrito. There was one time I so forcefully gave it to her that I was terrified I made her aspirate, but she was fine.
You can try at least the evening dose at night when she is sleepy. Perhaps just hold off in the antibiotics for a day or two until the "trauma" memories recede. I feel your pain though. I struggle A LOT giving antibiotics to one hen in particular. I have to wrap her TIGHT with a towel. I call her Chicken Burrito. There was one time I so forcefully gave it to her that I was terrified I made her aspirate, but she was fine.
Oh my god this is all so helpful!!!
what do you do with the tongue? I just tried before reading this and almost had it but then couldnt pull the tongue far enough out to see the glottis, maybe i need an extra set of hands 🤔

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