Help please!! I'm don't know much about animals!!


Feb 16, 2025
I saw a little chick and see is injure, his ankle is red and won't get up, idk what to do I put some árnica on the ankle, árnica is an anti-inflammatory, sorry for bad English I'm still learning. I put him to sleep on a box with sheets is beside me. But in so scare and sad. I can't take it to the vet. I don't have money.
I saw a little chick and see is injure, his ankle is red and won't get up, idk what to do I put some árnica on the ankle, árnica is an anti-inflammatory, sorry for bad English I'm still learning. I put him to sleep on a box with sheets is beside me. But in so scare and sad. I can't take it to the vet. I don't have money.
Hello, and welcome, your English is fine, don't worry. I'm sorry you're having trouble with your chick. :hugs Can you send us a picture of the injury? How old is it?
Hello, and welcome, your English is fine, don't worry. I'm sorry you're having trouble with your chick. :hugs Can you send us a picture of the injury? How old is it?


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The hock joint is very swollen, possibly from an injury/sprain, or it could be bacterial arthritis in the joint. Could the chicken have jumped off something high and injured itself? I would make sure it has chicken feed and water, and can get to them. Are there other chicks in its flock. It would be better to be with its flock, so that it doesn’t get picked on from being gone for long.
The hock joint is very swollen, possibly from an injury/sprain, or it could be bacterial arthritis in the joint. Could the chicken have jumped off something high and injured itself? I would make sure it has chicken feed and water, and can get to them. Are there other chicks in its flock. It would be better to be with its flock, so that it doesn’t get picked on from being gone for long.
I saw this chick this night some boys were with it, I took it from them, idk if they were doing something bad to it so I try to save it, I don't have animals so idk what happened to it. I'm scared 😔
What is your location? Can you get some chick starter grower to feed it? That is all she needs in a balanced diet with clean water. Chickens usually like to be part of a flock with one or more other similar age chickens. Do you know anyone with other chicks that she could live with?
What is your location? Can you get some chick starter grower to feed it? That is all she needs in a balanced diet with clean water. Chickens usually like to be part of a flock with one or more other similar age chickens. Do you know anyone with other chicks that she could live with?
Urbanization, There are chicken on the street wild. I just taking care of it, no allowed to have animals, and people around couldn't care less about a dying animal. The little fella is not that good ankle is getting black, is till eating and drinking but is always sleepy, idk I feel the worse. And mostly it won't walk just sleep
I saw a little chick and see is injure, his ankle is red and won't get up, idk what to do I put some árnica on the ankle, árnica is an anti-inflammatory, sorry for bad English I'm still learning. I put him to sleep on a box with sheets is beside me. But in so scare and sad. I can't take it to the vet. I don't have money
If his ankle is swollen, maybe try soaking it in warm water.

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