Help quick hurt Update need advise Meatheads 1 week update


12 Years
Jul 14, 2007
I was given a young pullet yesterday but am dog sitting so they cant go out together. I had no way to house the new young one so i attempted to put her in the chicken house and she was beaten and pecked so badly and I don't know what to do. They took off all the feathers and possibly the skin on her neck and head. I thought she was dead but shes not. How do I proceed? SO it's been 3 days and she is going strong. But there is a flap of skin that I worry about. Her ear seems to be attached and I thought that it would die and come off but it looks like it is healing all floppy. I called the vet but it's $70 just to be seen. It's less than that for a dog.

SO it's been a week and she's doing great. I used cut- heal for a while then gave her a good bath. I also just got the GRsomethingX V. I have been putting that on her instead. She wants to go out so badly. I would like to get a rabbit hutch so that she can be outside but off the ground in a clean environment.
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Hi. I assume you've already separated her and put her in a warm, comfy, quiet stress free area. This is crucial. Away from the chickens, away from the dog, away from everybody but whoever is quietly caring for her.
Topical neosporin on surface wounds. If the wounds are much worse than that, she may well need oral or injectble antibiotics. Vets have recommended to me a ratio of 9 parts water to one part betadine to gently cleanse wound before applying the neosporin. Make sure she gets fluids.
If she's not drinking on her own very gently using an eyedropper drip water along her beak so she swallows on her own and doesn't choke. Stop and let her have a break if she stresses.
If you think she's in a lot of pain, pain meds may be in order if she's not bleeding much at all. Approx. 1 baby aspirin (81 mg) crushed per cup of water. Do not substitute any other kind of pain killer.
I'm sure more specific advice will be on the way. These measures are just to stabilize her so stress and shock do not compromise her further.
Putting a newcomer in with the residents without an acclimation period where they can see each other but are separated can go badly, as it did here. I'm sorry this happened and hope she will be alright.
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update. After a good cry from stress, I called a friend. They brought me a cat carrier and baby aspirin. I cant find the neosporin but I have some of that topical silver. The vet gave it to me when my dog was bitten by a spider and my DH was told to use it for his MSRA. It really looks like they pecked he so bad that her skull is broken. All her tendons are visible and when she blinks you can see the little things that move up and down in their head. So I put news paper down because i don't want anything to stick to her. Now we are finding a piece of wood for her to use to roost. She really likes to roost. I was thinking a small piece of 2x4, just enough to feel off the ground but keep her safe from falling. She was drinking the water that was dripping off of her. I just made her a scrambled egg and I will put a little baby aspirin water in there. If she does make it She will need her own house. But if anyone has any more advise I would really appreciate it.
quiet warmth and regularly fluids will help her now... if she pulls thru the next 36 hours then we can see about the rest.
betadine, mine pecked eack other to bleeding but not as bad as what they did to yours. But I used betadine and vasaline until I got antibotic ointmint. It took about a week for their skin to grow back.
Thank you. She's still alive sitting on her piece of wood. I didn't put bedding in there because I don't want it to stick to her. I don't think that she has drank and I know she hasn't eaten. I don't want to push her or stress her. Later on today I might try to push fluids. And I will put some regular food in for as well. She hasn't touched the scrambled egg.
just dribble some water (preferably with electrolytes in it) along her beak regular... dehydration is what you must avoid.
Update: She is still alive. She is eating and drinking. She also ate the egg. I put some wet pellets in there so she can get the extra fluid and shes eating. I think she can make it provided we stave off infection. Will her feathers grow back?

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