I have a 12 month old russian orloff hen who was healthy and happy until a couple of days ago. I noticed she laid a fairy egg 5 days ago but was acting normal, then the next day her egg was white instead of her usual light brown and it had calcium deposits on it, but she was still acting pretty normal. Then the following day, 3 days ago, i noticed she was standing in a sunny corner of the run under the roosting bars and her feathers were ruffled and she was lethargic. I pulled her out of the run and into a kennel by herself in the sun and she laid out to sunbathe and refused any water or food. I moved the kennel inside to keep her warm since she was seeming to be cold? I also noticed she was rather thin. I have 3 other hens and she is bottom of the pecking order so maybe shes been pushed off the food but i know i have for sure seen her eating recently. So things i have done so far - i have been syringing 1 ml of poultry cell morning and night, i have been dropping water on her beak to encourage drinking but she really has no interest, i have been trying to get at least 3 ml of water into her every few hours which i know isnt enough but she falls asleep in my lap while im trying to make her drink and im worried she'll aspirate, last night i gave her some plain yogurt and she ate some of that and then perked up a bit and pecked the ground so i gave her some dry crumbles and some meal worms and she ate that but this morning i noticed that her crop did not fully empty overnight after eating that. It was completely empty the day before. I also soaked her in an epsom salt bath in case she was egg bound but I dont feel anything up there. She has also been fake eating? Like she will peck towards food and water but wont actually make contact and she prefers to keep her eyes closed most of the time. Basically she just wants to stand under the heat lamp and sleep all day. At this point i'm at a loss on what else i can do for her. I have searched these forums high and low for matching symptoms and everyone else seems to have a major symptom is makes it more clear for a treatment plan. I don't have a poultry vet near me except an emergency vet and it is sooo expensive I just can't afford to take her in. Please if anyone has any other ideas I am open to all help! She is so weak and won't keep her eyes open more than a few seconds at a time. Oh and also she doesnt seem to have any labored breathing, not discharge from her vent or her nose or her eyes, and she is pooping a dark green mostly solid with lots of white.