Help! Severe bumblefoot on Coturnix Quail


Nov 30, 2017
This Coturnix Quail that I have has this large absess on her foot. I don't know how she got it but, I see that it needs to be treated and It's had it for awhile. I didn't know what it was before the post on it, and I don't know if the treatment is different for quail. I didn't know it was this far advanced and really need help. 008.JPG 007.JPG 006.JPG 005.JPG I also need help with prevention and treatment. The lesser abcess is on the other foot and I also need that fixed. Thanks.
Keeping them on wire can lead to Bumblefoot unless it's kept scrupulously clean - when their poop hardens it can become very sharp. I've never dealt with this but I'd say the treatment is exactly the same as if it were a chicken. Hopefully you'll get her right, poor girl.
I have jumbos too. i started them on wire and was dismayed when they started developing bumblefoot. they have lots of options to get off the wire, but that wasn't good enough. I started lining my wire with paper and straw on top and had no new cases pop up.

I soaked their little feet in an Epsom salt bath and used triple antibiotic on those with open wounds.

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