Tylosin unfortunately is one of the pricier ones and it’s hard to find but if mycoplasma is in your flock “Chronic respiratory disorder” you’ll be using it periodically.


The good thing is if you treat as an oral dose and ignore the instructions for mixing it in water the powder lasts a lot longer.
Chickens seem to tolerate the taste better if you do mix it in water but my geese refuse to drink it, the taste is absolutely horrible so I have to give it to them mixed with water down the throat via a syringe.
Tylosin unfortunately is one of the pricier ones and it’s hard to find but if mycoplasma is in your flock “Chronic respiratory disorder” you’ll be using it periodically.


The good thing is if you treat as an oral dose and ignore the instructions for mixing it in water the powder lasts a lot longer.
Chickens seem to tolerate the taste better if you do mix it in water but my geese refuse to drink it, the taste is absolutely horrible so I have to give it to them mixed with water down the throat via a syringe.
Thank you. Based on her symptoms and pictures shared, which do you think I should try first? This severity basically happened overnight, I noticed (as I looked at past videos/pictures).

She hasn't been very interested in eating much for the past week or two though but yesterday she was much more alert and interactive, eating grass a bit and her eye was clear.

Putting her in today she just stood around and occasionally drank water.
Thank you. Based on her symptoms and pictures shared, which do you think I should try first? This severity basically happened overnight, I noticed (as I looked at past videos/pictures).

She hasn't been very interested in eating much for the past week or two though but yesterday she was much more alert and interactive, eating grass a bit and her eye was clear.

Putting her in today she just stood around and occasionally drank water.
I would try corid for sure.
Update: She's doing a little better but still the same after the vitamins, she's walking slowly but more alert and her eye seems okay

Now it's her sister who has a major problem. It's just the girls, the boys seem uneffected.

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