HELP!! Sick Hen


Dec 2, 2024
My sweet hen is about 4 years old, and around 3 days ago she has not been feeling so well. Her symptoms include:
- lethargic and sitting a lot
- not wanting to interact with her two other hens
- drank a lot yesterday, but is barley today
- watery poop (maybe this was from yesterday drinking a lot?)
- not eating

I first thought that her poop was harming her because it was getting stuck around her feathers so I cleaned it up, but noticed that there is still gunk on her vent, and I'm wondering if that is the cause of her not doing so well. I separated her yesterday, and she is not getting any better. I provided fresh water and lactose free kefir but not her normal dry feed because now I was suspecting if she has sour or impacted crop. I do not know what to do, and am getting increasingly worried for her health. Please let me know if she has an illness/what steps to take next, and if I should give her any feed or supplements/electrolytes.
My sweet hen is about 4 years old, and around 3 days ago she has not been feeling so well. Her symptoms include:
- lethargic and sitting a lot
- not wanting to interact with her two other hens
- drank a lot yesterday, but is barley today
- watery poop (maybe this was from yesterday drinking a lot?)
- not eating

I first thought that her poop was harming her because it was getting stuck around her feathers so I cleaned it up, but noticed that there is still gunk on her vent, and I'm wondering if that is the cause of her not doing so well. I separated her yesterday, and she is not getting any better. I provided fresh water and lactose free kefir but not her normal dry feed because now I was suspecting if she has sour or impacted crop. I do not know what to do, and am getting increasingly worried for her health. Please let me know if she has an illness/what steps to take next, and if I should give her any feed or supplements/electrolytes.View attachment 4073618
Is her crop full in the morning? If so, then it is likely impacted...she is beautiful! Regarding the poopy butt...maybe she has some sort of infection and needs medication...can anyone else here help? Not sure how to advise.
In the picture her crop does look large. Had she been eating that day?

Feel her crop before she has access to food this morning. It should be empty.
She wasn’t eating that day. This morning her crop was semi full - kinda hard. She’s losing a lot of weight and I’m getting worried
I would treat her impacted crop by giving her 1-2 tsp of chilled coconut oil cut into small pieces for her to peck, or by giving 1 tsp of mineral or olive oil in a little scrambled egg. Stool softener (doccusate sodium) can also be given. Offer clean water, and electrolytes may be used. Massage her crop throughout the day to break up any impaction. Make water available and encourage her to drink. Do not give any whole grains, seeds, or let her out to free range. Egg is okay to give, but only let her have very very thin chicken feed with a lot of water. Recheck the crop especially before she has food or water first thing in the am. Post a picture of her vent area if you can. Does she lay eggs, and have any eggs been soft or thin-shelled? Have you wormed her recently? Here is a good article about crop problems:

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