HELP. Tom with a swollen neck/head


6 Years
Jun 11, 2013
I have two Tom turkeys. One of their neck/head has become extremely swollen over night. They are both acting normal and they are not congested. What could be wrong? What do I need to do?
Thank you
OUCH!!!! WOW!! I have NEVER seen that before. Where did they sleep last night? Were they penned or not? Do you see any puncture wounds where the swelling is? How does that area where it is swollen feel? Is there a knot there or is more soft/fleshy feeling inside?

Let me get someone else over here to help me out on this one.
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They roam the yard, most of the time they sleep on the porch. I don't see any puncture wounds. It feels soft and mushy.
I have included a better picture of just him. He is eating and acting completely normal. He doesn't sound sick, I wonder if he got stung by something and what I should do?
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Poor baby. He looks depressed. He could possibly be suffering from an allergic reaction to a sting. If he is eating and drinking and no other problems, then I would monitor him to see if the swelling goes down.

Let me check into something right quick and I will be back.
Poor baby. He looks depressed. He could possibly be suffering from an allergic reaction to a sting. If he is eating and drinking and no other problems, then I would monitor him to see if the swelling goes down.

Let me check into something right quick and I will be back.
X2. And if I had some prednisone, I *might* give him some of that to see if that would reduce the swelling.

Ok. I'm back. I was trying to research anything that I could find about an allergic reaction but I couldn't find anything. I'm still looking.

How is your turkey this morning? Swelling still the same?
Regarding the prednisone, I chose the word *might* because I don't know if it's used in situations like this (swellings in poultry). Before using it I would thoroughly research it and find out what the correct dose/treatment plan would be.

I wish I was there to feel his neck and do a body check. The top of his head looks VERY swollen. Is it just me seeing this. The top of the head doesn't look like a normal size. I"m worried about that.

It looks very odd, never seen anything like it.

Ok, I'm glad that I'm not alone. His ears are swollen. I'm thinking he is sick. My avian vet said years ago that a turkey can be sick and not show any signs until days later. I'm thinking we need to get him started with some type of meds Kathy. Well, at least I would, being as though I see areas of the face that should not be as swollen as they are.

How would you treat it Kathy if he were at your place?

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