HELP! Two hens dead. Rooster not acting right.


In the Brooder
May 6, 2024
1) What type of bird, age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.)

Golden Laced Bearded Polish Rooster, 17 weeks, thin enough that his breast bone is sticking out under his feathers.

2) What is the behavior, exactly.

He’s Lethargic, tail down, and liquid diarrhea. Hiding under coop away from hens. (He is three weeks younger than them and one of them does tend to chase him so he could be hiding out from her. Lol)

3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms?

2 Days.

4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms?
I had two cream leg bar hens that I got from the same woman. One died soon after I got her from what I assume was egg peritonitis. A little over a month later the other hen I got from her started exhibiting a penguin walk and her right toe started curling. So I started her on vitamin B orally, but she died the day after. That has been three weeks ago. Now my rooster who I got from the same woman is acting sick.
But my three hens I got from a hatchery six weeks before I got the cream leg bars and my rooster are perfectly fine and very healthy.

5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma.

I can’t see any of the above!

6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation.
Like I said above, I got him from a lady in my town who breeds chickens. Looking back on it now she may not have been a reputable person to get chickens from. The two hens I got with him have both passed.
Before I got him and the two hens, I already had three hens from a hatchery. They are perfectly healthy and have not exhibited any of the symptoms that my prior sick chickens have. In a matter of a month I’ve gone from six chickens to four.
I clean their coop two times a week.
They have their run that is attached to their coop and a tunnel that leads to an 8 x 8 aviary pen so they get grass and exercise!

7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all.

They get Kalmbach layer crumble and the occasional tomatoes from the garden or peppers every once in a while. He seems to be interested in food and eating, but in two days he’s lost a good bit of weight.

8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc.

very runny. Almost like water. And when he does poop, it is long and stringy.

9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far?

when I typed in his symptoms, it came up coccidiosis and the recommended treatment was Corrid in their water. So today I cleaned out their water bucket put freshwater in there and added 6 1/2 teaspoons in a 5 gallon bucket of water.

10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet?

I would love to be able to treat it completely myself. But since I’ve already had two pass on me, I will take him to the vet if I need.

12) Describe the housing/bedding in use

The coop has multipurpose sand that is large enough to not cause impactions. The coupe run and the attached 8 x 8 aviary run are all grass. There is a part of the run that goes under the coop. It has about 8 inches of clearance.

Please help me save my rooster. He is a really sweet guy!

I’ve attached poop pics! His is the liquid diarrhea!

Could he be depressed? The two that died were his girls. He hung around, slept, and had just started to feed them when they died.


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At this point, since you already have had two hens from this breeder die, I'd take him to a vet. It's entirely possible that he is depressed, that does happen, but it sounds like there's a chance that something more serious and fast-acting is going on. The vet will be able to quickly tell you if there is something medically wrong. It's best to quarantine anyway, but if your roo is not sick, then he might need company sooner rather than later (even if that is just a week vacation in the house while he grieves). Upshot is, you can medicate yourself and try to figure out what's going on but you run a higher risk of losing him.
And I think you're right, don't go back to that breeder, something's fishy there.
Thank you! He got a clean bill of physical health! Turns out he is stressed from his girls dying and i have one hen that chases him around sometimes! So the vet suggested I put him in a separate coop for a week and allow him some downtime. Hopefully, This time will allow him to realize he's a rooster and doesn't need to take crap from the older hen! He also suggested getting some new younger hens. It might allow him to form new bonds so he doesn't feel so alone.

We've got the old small coop out! I'm gonna get it ready for him today and move him in! Looking up some hatcheries now that have started Pullets!

Thank You again for your reply!
Sorry for your loss. In the future I would quarantine any new birds for at least a month in case they brought any disease, worms, or lice/mites with them. When he goes back in with the others, make sure there are multiple feeders and water around the chicken area so he does not get bullied away from food/water. Polish chickens can have trouble seeing through the feathers and may be low in pecking order. If you should eventually lose him or any other chicken, keep the body cold in a cooler, but don’t freeze, and send it to your state vet for a necropsy. They can take tissue samples and test for multiple diseases. What state are you in? Here is a list of state vets:
Thank You for the advice! Would it help him if i trim his crest to help him see better? I'm in KY!

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