Hi i wonder if someone could advise me, i have two broody frizzle hens sitting on eggs i believe the eggs to be fertile from my old english game bantum cockral if the eggs hatch how long do i leave the chicks with the hens and do i provide chick crumb and water to the nest or just leave the mother hens to it?
It's best to start a new thread. You can leave chicks with them as long as you want. Take them if you want to brood them. Sell them. Let the broodies raise them until they're done which depends on the hen. I do feed all my chickens with chicks starter. You can add a bowl of crushed oyster shells for calcium for the hens. Water in a chick accessable area which they won't drown in. Outside the nest but where everyone can get to ot.
I'm not sure what WH means. If they are chicken eggs, why are you spraying them? Do you see veins and movement when you candle. How's the air cell? The point of a fan is so you don't get hot spots, it's not for ventilation. By rotating, them meant moving them to different spots in the incubator. If you have no fan, it's best to move them around to keep growth even.
They are Welsh harlequin ducks, last time we candled them they were all movibg that was 2 days ago.We rotate them 5 times a day and move them to different every time we take them out to rotate them. I hope its ok!
They are Welsh harlequin ducks, last time we candled them they were all movibg that was 2 days ago.We rotate them 5 times a day and move them to different every time we take them out to rotate them. I hope its ok!
Yes, that makes sense. Sounds like you're doing good. I spray my duck eggs too.
Yes, that makes sense. Sounds like you're doing good. I spray my duck eggs too.
Thankyou for your help i am doing the dry incubation were i spray them but i dont know how to get the humidity up to around 60% during lockdown as we have a homemade incubator and loads of tubs of water surrounding it and that only brings it up to 30% and no higher. How can i get it up to 60?
Thankyou for your help i am doing the dry incubation were i spray them but i dont know how to get the humidity up to around 60% during lockdown as we have a homemade incubator and loads of tubs of water surrounding it and that only brings it up to 30% and no higher. How can i get it up to 60?
I use moist sponges. They seem to up the humidity more than open water for some reason. If you can put them in the incubator that'll be best. And use hot water because it lets off steam.

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