HELP! What’s wrong with her foot!?

Here is some pics. I feel like it’s still definitely big and hard, but I don’t know what else to do. Also I will see what I can put together for a little corner for her.

It does look like the swelling maybe went down. The first time I did the bumblefoot surgery last year I was timid and didn't go quite deep enough to get every last piece of that hard yellow pus kernel (you can feel it like a hard knot in the squishy part of their foot). The infection comes back if that happens so just keep an eye on it and be prepared to do it again if the swelling comes back, and make sure you find that kernel if it does. It pops out easily when you do.
It does look like the swelling maybe went down. The first time I did the bumblefoot surgery last year I was timid and didn't go quite deep enough to get every last piece of that hard yellow pus kernel (you can feel it like a hard knot in the squishy part of their foot). The infection comes back if that happens so just keep an eye on it and be prepared to do it again if the swelling comes back, and make sure you find that kernel if it does. It pops out easily when you do.
Ok, I was looking deep in her foot and I could not find any hard kernel anywhere in her foot. The whole foot was just that puss.

She seems to be getting better!
She is walking around, running and jumping a little. but she is still acting ill and not herself. All the rest of flock pick on her, and some even chase her, the only one that’s nice is my new pullet. Is this normal behavior for them all to be hating her?
Well, what do you know, we have a 2nd one that just came down with bumble foot! 😫 the other chicken seems to be getting a lot better! I am still wrapping her foot because there is still a scab. But do I do the same thing as I did with the last hen? And will it speed to everyone else??!

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