Help, what happened to this hen? (Warning graphic)

Ah, okay.
Her skin broken open.

How quick would a hernia take to develop to this point? If it was that.
I'm not sure, but a hernia can happen to any creature at any age.

It's caused by weakened, or torn abdominal muscles that allows organs to push against the skin, in the process causing fluid to fill the herniated area causing pressure.
I'm not sure, but a hernia can happen to any creature at any age.

It's caused by weakened, or torn abdominal muscles that allows organs to push against the skin, in the process causing fluid to fill the herniated area causing pressure.
This could be, and it stuck too.

Thank you guys for all the help! I just hope it isn't anything that could spread.
Chickens with hernias, act like normal healthy chickens.
Oh, okay.
It's always a good idea to give your birds a routine look over every once in awhile.

I handle my birds alot, & most are used to it.

Our Brahmas and most other hens are friendly and can be easy to catch with food, but for the most part, we have to chase them around.

(So, if I do a routine check today or tomorrow, what should I look for?)

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