help with 2 babys i just received in mail ..

thanks for the vet .I'll write that down [dr wade]..I have one by the bridge up the lake ..dr rice ..he does a lot of farm animals ..and hes gentel with them and with our feelings and not bad on the wallet either.. ..but its always nice to have options ..its some of these vets are just to much about the money ..we had a dog with diabetes and she needed 2 shots aday ..the one dr we seen dr swanson at the vet hospital was charging me 25 bucks for 10 needles and I could get 100 from the pharmacy for 10 bucks if he gave us a script ,but he refused to ....we don't use that vet no more ..

boondocks of catt county aye .you must be on or near the reservation .lucky you ..we've been wanting a place anywere out in the country ..we tend to keep to ourselves but our neighbors are another gotta have their noses in others I guess we would have that anywere ..

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