Help with aggressive pet duck please


Oct 10, 2015
Hi all,
I'm hoping somebody can give me advice about our aggressive pet duck.

Vienna is a female white call duck, who is now just over 3 years old. She is being incredibly aggressive alongside our other female mallard call duck, who is the same age as Vienna, she is called Dinky. We also have two other ducks, Valley and Daisy, 4 year old rouen clair and runner duck, who are lovely to us.

We had Valley from a day old, and Daisy from 3 months old. Then we hatched Dinky and Vienna, and we did spoil them as ducklings, they were always getting cuddles and baths; When it came to moving them outside, Vienna became more distant from us and wouldn't have as many cuddles but by the age of 1 year old, Vienna wouldn't get near us, jumping even if we touch her, and Dinky would tolerate cuddles for short spaces of time. Valley and Daisy, don't mind being handled or stroked.

However, as Dinky and Vienna have got older they have become more and more of brats, and for almost a year now, they have started biting me and ripping at my skin. Sometimes they are ok, but are pretty unpredictable; Dinky will follow me around the garden quacking and asking for corn, and when I feed them they will both feed from my hands.. but when the food runs out (this is treats, they have plenty of normal food in their bowls), they will start to tear at my skin. However over the past few days they have gotten worse, attacking my hands/sleeves when I pour out their water bowl (which they usually love, because they love the mud puddles; I would not say this is a territory thing), or even when I lift up the mat for them to worm hunt, they will look at first but then when they notice it is my hands lifting it, they will rip at my hands, and today even made my hand bleed. I try to correct them, first moving away and ignoring it, or picking them up to make them stop, but sometimes they will still continue to attack my clothes whilst they are in my arms.

Another thing, they only attack me.. nobody else in my family. I am the one who scrapes up their poop in their house, and tops up their food and water most of the time. When it is my mum who lifts up the matting, they don't bite her, but they bite my hands only. We even tried doing it together, criss crossing our hands so they didn't know whose was whose whilst we lifted the matting, and yet still Dinky and Vienna pick out my hands and tear at the skin.

Another thing, Vienna will also then move on from my hands when i pull them away and rip out Dinkys' head feathers, but Dinky doesn't even seem to respond to her doing this.

I honestly don't know what to do; Does anyone know why they are doing this or have any tips on what to do?
We think perhaps give them another six months and then rehome them if it doesn't stop. This would be incredibly hard though, as they are our babies, we picked out their eggs from a friend and hatched them ourselves.

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This is very interesting (but not good) behaviour. What's your reaction when they do this? Do you shriek or cry out? I know that works for pups that nip. I know they are ducks and not pups, but maybe an over exaggerated shriek will give them a small frieght, and they'll begin to associate their biting with negativity (you making a loud noise they don't like). I look forward to seeing what more poultry knowledgeable people have to say
My 1 drake is a bully, he would follow me around the yard & walk by my feet when I was walking & nip at my legs ( yes, duck nips hurt!!!) so, I started picking him up & carrying him around the yard ( like he was a baby!!!) eventually he stopped nipping at me. You need to show them that your in charge & your not going to be bullied by them, I would try making noise when they are nipping at you or gently move their head away from you when they try to nip or bite you.
This is very interesting (but not good) behaviour. What's your reaction when they do this? Do you shriek or cry out? I know that works for pups that nip. I know they are ducks and not pups, but maybe an over exaggerated shriek will give them a small frieght, and they'll begin to associate their biting with negativity (you making a loud noise they don't like). I look forward to seeing what more poultry knowledgeable people have to say
Thankyou for your advice :) yes, when they bite me, it really hurts so I usually shout 'ow', but they behave a bit like a pack, and it doesn't seem to phase them until i walk right away
My 1 drake is a bully, he would follow me around the yard & walk by my feet when I was walking & nip at my legs ( yes, duck nips hurt!!!) so, I started picking him up & carrying him around the yard ( like he was a baby!!!) eventually he stopped nipping at me. You need to show them that your in charge & your not going to be bullied by them, I would try making noise when they are nipping at you or gently move their head away from you when they try to nip or bite you.
Thankyou for your advice :) yes, i do that too, but they'll continue to bite me in my arms :( or as soon as I put them back down will continue. I also try to move their heads away but as there is two of them, they behave a bit like a pack and continue to attack until i move right away. Honestly i am at a loss
I'm new to ducks, but just curious. Did they ever do that cute (but can hurt) little nibbles on your fingers, etc when they were babies? Mine will do a fast nibbling thing when you reach near them, and like puppies hand chewing I tell my daughter not to let them because I always wondered if that will continue as they get older (like puppies).
Thankyou for your advice :) yes, i do that too, but they'll continue to bite me in my arms :( or as soon as I put them back down will continue. I also try to move their heads away but as there is two of them, they behave a bit like a pack and continue to attack until i move right away. Honestly i am at a loss
My friend has a very aggressive rooster that would attack her every morning when she would go to the chicken coop, so she started taking her dog ( who is trained not to attack the chickens) with her when she would go out to the coop & the rooster no longer attacks her!! Maybe you could try that if you have a dog that you trust around the ducks??!!
Okay I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks of puppies when ducks do certain things. I want to suggest a spritz bottle... but most ducks like water. But then again mine don't like getting squirt with the hose so maybe... and add an unpleasant smell?
Oh trust me i've tried :( it just seems to anger them more somehow :barniebut I think i might try your previous suggestion, rather than saying 'ow' maybe if i go 'shussshh' at them it maybe different.... maybe :p
I'm new to ducks, but just curious. Did they ever do that cute (but can hurt) little nibbles on your fingers, etc when they were babies? Mine will do a fast nibbling thing when you reach near them, and like puppies hand chewing I tell my daughter not to let them because I always wondered if that will continue as they get older (like puppies).
Yes! although not very often... i think it was more with toes or ears:D

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