HELP! with Emu Egg Hatch


5 Years
Dec 27, 2014
Hi everyone! I have an emu egg that's internally pipped around on Thursday, I'm not sure of when. I'm very worried of air supply, and he hasn't made any progress to that. He still whistles slightly, but moves around a lot. What should I do? Boost the humidity? Is he stuck in the membrane? Anything helps, even encouragement! :)
According to what I've read, they have a three day air supply in the egg after they internally pip. So I would put a safety hole in if by around 70 hours after internal pip it hasn't externally pipped.

No need to boost humidity, emus do not need extra humidity at the end to hatch. In fact it might be detrimental.
Thanks for all the helpful replies! He started to sound weak and I could hear gasping coming from the egg. The chick didn't reply much, so I drilled a small hole with a drill bit like in the video. He ended up pipping externally and all is well! Thank you!
Go to YouTube and watch:
Drilling a hole in a living Egg... to save it

The fellow has an emu egg in the same predicament as yours - and has the best of outcomes.
Good Luck

According to what I've read, they have a three day air supply in the egg after they internally pip. So I would put a safety hole in if by around 70 hours after internal pip it hasn't externally pipped.

No need to boost humidity, emus do not need extra humidity at the end to hatch. In fact it might be detrimental.

Sending good hatching vibes your way :jumpy:jumpy:jumpy:jumpy:jumpy:jumpy hope they help

Just drill it! Dont wait until it becomes weak and THEN try to save it. 24-36 hrs, DRILL!!

Experience talking here.

Mine all took three days from internal to external. Has it piped yet are did you end up helping?

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