Help with hatching ducklings!

It's funny because I've been watching him all day, I'm trying to take my mind off it but it's hard. We do learn a lot about these creatures when we raise and hatch them. I have two other duck eggs that haven't pipped yet but I think it's because they aren't ready yet.
I've still have two weeks to go before my chicks are ready to hatch, I still go stare at those eggs as if they are going to get up and dance. Like my sister told me and I didn't listen...don't touch it. Don't think about touching it. Don't think about thinking about touching it. I didn't listen, it didn't end well, This hatch I plan on being hands off if I have to tape the lid to the box.
I like the thought of taping the lid on! I just noticed that my duck is now sitting on a nest of her own. Looks like there may be a few ducklings running around, IF I manage to let them do their own thing! I try to occupy my time but it's hard when you know that at any moment something could happen and you want to be there when it does.
Can anyone please help me with the shrink wrap issue I am having? I am unsure of what to do, I tried adding more water to the incubator. I also tried to open the membrane but stopped when I noticed blood. Is there anything else that I can do? I am afraid that I may have hurt the duckling somehow.
How do you know it is shrink wrapped? You can put neosporin on the membrane to keep it from drying if you opened the incubator. I only helped one. I pulled off a large area of shell around the pip hole and tore away the outer membrane which had toughened but I left the inner membrane which contains the veins alone. The hole I made in the egg was almost large enough for the chick to get out without any more zipping. It hatched fine a few hours later
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I believe that it's shrink wrapped from the way that it looks. The membrane is sticking to the duckling. I also made a hole big enough for him to get out of but left inner membrane intact after I found blood. I can see his nostrils and they aren't in the membrane so maybe he will be fine? Should I add more water?
Will he be able to get himself out of the membrane if he's shrink wrapped? I am afraid to go to bed because I don't want to lose him if I can help it.
I can't really recommend what to do without seeing it for myself. I made the large hole in the shell and outer membrane then I soaked a paper towel in warm water and wrapped the egg in that while not covering the opening. If you do that and ensure the humidity in the incubator remains where it should be I think that is all you could really do. If the hole is that large and the egg does stick to him he should at least be able to breath and not die right away at that point you could decide if you need to break of more egg shell. That is what I would do.
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