Help with my hen's health

She is pretty young, but she could be suffering from a reproductive disorder or even cancer. She has a very upright position in her pictures. Mareks disease might even be possible. If you can try and feed her 2-3 times a day with a variety of food—wet and dry chicken feed, cooked egg and give her 1/2 tablet of human B complex, it might help.
I did just catch her doing something different that I haven't seen her do before (make sure volume is all the way up). Attached is a link to the video - I could not figure out how to upload it directly to the post.
In your video, it looks like she’s straining to lay an egg. You said that she has gotten worse since then. I agree with @Eggcessive, that there could be something reproductive going on. The color change in the legs says one thing to me— a possibility that something is cutting off the blood flow. A vet really should see her, so they can give a solid diagnosis and treat her. An epsom salt soak may help relieve some of her discomfort in the short-term. Please continue to update. I hope she gets well soon.
It looks like she's recently been broody or is. feathers missing/falling out in poultry is usually a sign of stress. And is also seen when trying to keep her eggs warm. But she could very well just be struggling to push out an egg
Can you get her to swallow a human calcium citrate with vitamin D supplement or give her a Tums split in two? That could help if she is trying to pass a stuck egg or lash material. Let us know how she is doing today.
I was finally able to find a vet nearby who will see chickens. I took her in yesterday afternoon, and the vet confirmed that she is clear of any egg-related issues. However, she does have an overgrowth of bacteria, including cocci and clostridium. The vet prescribed Clavamox (an antibiotic) and Meloxicam (a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory) in case she’s experiencing any discomfort. He also recommended continuing the Corid treatment. If she is not improving or if her condition worsens by Thursday, he suggested considering culling her and having a necropsy done at a local poultry lab to determine the cause.

I gave her a bath today, and it seemed to comfort her. While bathing her, I noticed she’s developing sores on her hocks from sitting so much. She’s still not walking or standing fully—she only hobbles around. Any suggestions for ways to keep her off her hocks to allow them to heal and improve circulation?
I was finally able to find a vet nearby who will see chickens. I took her in yesterday afternoon, and the vet confirmed that she is clear of any egg-related issues. However, she does have an overgrowth of bacteria, including cocci and clostridium. The vet prescribed Clavamox (an antibiotic) and Meloxicam (a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory) in case she’s experiencing any discomfort. He also recommended continuing the Corid treatment. If she is not improving or if her condition worsens by Thursday, he suggested considering culling her and having a necropsy done at a local poultry lab to determine the cause.

I gave her a bath today, and it seemed to comfort her. While bathing her, I noticed she’s developing sores on her hocks from sitting so much. She’s still not walking or standing fully—she only hobbles around. Any suggestions for ways to keep her off her hocks to allow them to heal and improve circulation?
My hen is on day 4 of Corid for Coccidosis. Still lays on her left side. Can’t stand. She is quivering so maybe fever. She had diarrhea by day 2-3 that cleared now day 4 diarrhea again. Coccidosis does have to run a few cycles to get rid of it so maybe that’s why she has diarrhea again.
I’m tempted to give her some doxycycline in her water. Photo was from 1/2/25
Photo 2 is now 1/7


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My hen is on day 4 of Corid for Coccidosis. Still lays on her left side. Can’t stand. She is quivering so maybe fever. She had diarrhea by day 2-3 that cleared now day 4 diarrhea again. Coccidosis does have to run a few cycles to get rid of it so maybe that’s why she has diarrhea again.
I’m tempted to give her some doxycycline in her water. Photo was from 1/2/25
Photo 2 is now 1/7
How old and where did you get her? Did you recently get chickens from somebody else? Your hen looks like fully paralyzed and remind me about Marek's.

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